dc:description"FIGURE 2 | Ventral view of the neurocranium, in specimens cleared and stained. A. Tlaloc portillorum (MZ-UNICACH 7222, 70.5 mm SL); B. Vomer region of T. candalarius (MZ-UNICACH 3899, 61.7 mm SL); C. Vomer region of Profundulus kreiseri (MZ-UNICACH 7214, 59.6 mm SL); and D. Neurocranium of P. mixtlanensis (MZ-UNICACH 6716, 55.6 mm SL). Abbreviations: V, vomer (Y-shaped); E, lateral ethmoid; M, mesethmoid; P, parasphenoid; AF, autopterotic fossa.";
dc:description"FIGURE 3 | Lateral view of left jaws, suspensorium and opercular series in specimens cleared and stained. A. Tlaloc portillorum (MZ-UNICACH 7222, 70.5 mm SL); B. Profundulus mixtlanensis (MZ-UNICACH 6716, 55.6 mm SL). Arrow points to dorsal margin of the interoperculum, with a long or short extension. Abbreviations: de, dentary; pm, premaxilla; ra, retroarticular; mx, maxilla; pl, palatine; qu, quadrate; ar, articular; ms, mesopterygoid; io, interopercle; sy, sympletic; hy, hyomandibula; po, preopercle; op, opercle; so, subopercle.";
dc:description"FIGURE 4 | Ventral view of left lacrimal. A. Tlaloc portillorum (MZ-UNICACH 7222, 70.5 mm SL); B. T. hildebrandi (MZ-UNICACH 2266, 75.1 mm SL); C. Profundulus mixtlanensis (MZ-UNICACH 6716, 55.6 mm SL); and D. P. punctatus (MZ-UNICACH 6632, 67.3 mm SL). Arrow point to ventral margin of the lacrimal.";
dc:description"FIGURE 5 | Male general morphology and caudal fin squamation, life colour patterns in: A. Tlaloc labialis; and B. Profundulus punctatus. Solid arrow points to the squamation of the caudal fin, dashed arrow points to the humeral spot.";
dc:description"FIGURE 7 | Bony spinules in fin rays of male Tlaloc labialis, indicated by arrow (MZ-UNICACH 6740, 75.7 mm SL), articulated with the lateral surfaces of the anal fin rays.";