dc:description"Figure 5. A, paratype left dentary of Walbeckodon girardi gen. et sp. nov. (MNHN.F.BRL-10-Pn), bed 4, Berru. B, holotype right dentary (reversed) of Berrulestes phelizoni gen. et sp. nov. (MNHN.F.BR-29-Ph), bed 5, Berru. A, B1–B3, horizontal ramus; B4–B8, articular condyle. Views are: lateral; (A1, B1, B4), medial (A2, B2, B5), dorsal (B3, B6), anterior (B7), and posterior (B8). B6 is orientated with anterior to top of page. White areas indicate damaged surfaces. Scale bars = 5 mm. Long scale bar refers to A, B4–B8, short scale bar to B1–B3. Abbreviations: amf, anterior mental foramen; pmf, posterior mental foramen.";
dc:description"Figure 7. Scanning electron micrographs of gold-palladium coated epoxy casts of jaws of Walbeckodon girardi gen. et sp. nov., bed 4, Berru (A) and Paschatherium dolloi (Teilhard de Chardin, 1927), Cernay (B), both late Thanetian, France. A, right dentary with P4–M1 (reversed) (MNHN.F.BRL-17-G). B, left dentary with P4–M3 (MNHN.F.CRL-827). Views are: occlusal (A1, B), buccal (A2, A3), and lingual (A4). Scale bar = 2 mm for A1, A2, A4, B and 4 mm for A3.";
dc:description"Figure 8. Scatter diagrams of Ln length vs. Ln width in millimetres of cheek teeth of Walbeckodon, Paschatherium, and Berrulestes from Cernay, Berru and Châlons-sur-Vesle. A, M; B, M; C, P; D, M1. Hollow square = Cernay; hatched 1 2 4 square = Paschatherium dolloi, Cernay; hollow circle = bed 5, Berru; solid circle = bed 4, Berru; solid triangle = Berrulestes sp. 1, Châlons-sur-Vesle. The cross hairs in A, B, and D give the range of measurements of Pa. dolloi from the Dormaal type assemblage from López-Martínez et al. (2006: table 2).";
dc:description"Figure 2. Scanning electron micrographs of gold-palladium coated epoxy casts of teeth and jaw of Walbeckodon krumbiegeli gen. et sp. nov., Palaeocene, Walbeck, Germany. A, paratype LP3 (MLU.Wa/363). B, paratype composite dentition, LP4, LM1, LM2, LM3 (MLU.Wa/386). C, holotype left dentary with P –M (MLU.Wa104.2011). Views are: buccal 4 3 (A1, B1, C2), occlusal (A2, B2, C1), and lingual (C3). Scale bar = 2 mm.";
dc:description"Figure 4. Dentaries of Walbeckodon krumbiegeli gen. et sp. nov. (A, B) and Adapisorex abundans Russell, 1964 (C, D) Palaeocene, Walbeck, both shown as from the left side. B, paratype right dentary fragment (reversed) with much of ascending ramus (MLU.Wa/Aa). C, right dentary fragment (reversed) with complete ascending ramus (MLU.Wa/Aa). A and D are composites. In A, paratype MLU.Wa/Aa extends forwards as far as posterior crack; paratype MLU.Wa/AC extends forwards from anterior crack; the intervening area is filled by paratype MLU.Wa/365. In D, MLU.Wa/Aa extends forwards as far as the crack; NHMUK.M19044 provides the remaining parts. Views are lateral (A, D) and medial (B, C). White areas indicate damaged surfaces. Scale bars = 5 mm. Long scale bar refers to A, B, short scale bar to C, D. Abbreviations: amf, anterior mental foramen; pmf, posterior mental foramen.";
dc:description"Figure 3. Scanning electron micrographs of gold-palladium coated epoxy casts of jaws of Walbeckodon krumbiegeli gen. et sp. nov., Palaeocene, Walbeck, Germany. A, paratype left dentary with P4–M2 (MLU.Wa/387). B, paratype left dentary with P3–4 (MLU.Wa/417). Views are: buccal (A1, B1), occlusal (A2, B2), and lingual (B3). Scale bar = 2 mm.";