bibo:journal"Journal of Entomological and Acarological Research";
dc:creator"J. Moubayed-Breil; B. Lods-Crozet";
dc:title"Heleniella helvetica sp. n., a cold stenothermic species inhabiting the upper Rhône catchment in central Switzerland [Diptera, Chironomidae, Orthocladiinae]";
dc:description"Figures 5 - 10. Male imago of Heleniella spp. Heleniella helvetica sp. n.: hypopygium, dorsal (5) and ventral (6); anal point in lateral view (7); anal point and gonocoxite in lateral view (8). H. extrema: anal point and inferior volsella, dorsal, after Albu (1972, Figure 2) (9); gonocoxite with sternapodeme, phallapodeme and right gonostylus, ventral, after Albu (1972, Figure 2) (10).";
dc:description"Figures 11 - 22. Male imago of Heleniella spp. Heleniella helvetica sp. n.: anal point and distribution pattern of setae on tergite IX (11); virga (12); right gonostylus, dorsal (13); left gonostylus, ventral (14); inferior volsella and gonostylus, dorsal (15). H. sp. 1 (central Switzerland): tergite IX lacking anal point (16); virga, two aspects (17 - 18); phallapodeme (19); right gonostylus (20). H. extrema: p hallapodeme, after Albu (1972, Figure 2) (21); left gonostylus, dorsal, after Albu (1972, Figure 2) (22).";
dc:description"Figures 1 - 4. Male imago of Heleniella spp. Heleniella helvetica sp. n.: head, temporals (1); humeral pit with prealars and some episternals (2); thorax (3). H. extrema, thorax with dorsocentrals and scutellars, after Albu (1972, Figure 1) (4).";