dc:title"Generic classification for the Gasteruptiinae (Hymenoptera: Gasteruptiidae) based on a cladistic analysis, with the description of two new Neotropical genera and the revalidation of Plutofoenus Kieffer";
dc:description"FIGURE 2. a – c: Gasteruption bispinosum, delimitation of the measurements and some characters of cladistic analysis. a: lateral view; b: head in dorsal view; c: propleuron in ventral view; d: Gasteruption nasutum, left hind tarsus. Measurements: Head: i: head length; ii: eye length; iii: malar space height; iv: distance between posterior ocellus and occipital margin (dorsal view); v: distance between posterior ocelli (dorsal view); vi: scape length; vii: pedicel length; viii: first flagellomere length; ix: second flagellomere length; Mesosoma: x: propleuron length; xi: propleuron width (ventral view); xii: mesosoma length (excluding propleuron); xiii: mesosoma height (distance between metasoma insertion and base of middle coxa); xiv: pronotum length (distance between anterior margin of pronotum and tegula); xv: distance between anterior margin of pronotum and metasoma insertion; xvi: hind coxa length; xvii: hind coxa width; xviii: hind femur length; xix: hind tibia length; xx: hind tibia width; xxi: hind first tarsomere length; Metasoma: xxii: metasoma length; xxiii: ovipositor sheath length; xxiv: body length (measurements i + x + xv + xxii). The following ratios were used in the species descriptions: xxiv / xxiii, i / ii, ii / iii, iv / v, viii / vi, viii / vii, viii / ix, xii / xiii, x / xi, x / xiv; xvi / xvii, xix / xx, xix / xviii, xix / xxi, xxii / xii, and xxiii / xxii. Arabic numbers indicate characters and respective synapomorphic states (within brackets).";
dc:description"FIGURE 7. a – b: Left fore wing (scale bar: 1.0 mm). a: Pseudofoenus infumatus; b: Gasteruption bispinosum; c – h: Left fore wing discal cell (without scale); c: G. bispinosum; d: G. p a r v u m; e: Plutofoenus edwardsi; f: Spinolafoenus ruficornis; g: Trilobitofoenus plaumanni; h: T. alvarengai. Numbers indicate characters and respective synapomorphic";
dc:description"FIGURE 9. First metasomal segment in ventral view. a: Gasteruption bispinosum; b: Plutofoenus edwardsi. S 2: first metasomal sternum; T 2: first metasomal tergum. Without scale. Numbers indicate characters and respective synapomorphic states (within brackets).";