dc:title"Morphological diversification of alien and native aquatic snails of the genus Physa and Aplexa (Gastropoda: Physidae) of Western and Central European range";
dc:description"FIGURE 1. Physidae of Western and Central Europe (10.18150/YPDFJU)—general shell morphology A—Physa acuta (Phot. M. Kanturski), B—Aplexa hypnorum, C—Physa fontinalis, D—Physa gyrina; 1—front side of the shell, 2—shell from the side view, 3—back side of the shell (Phot. B–D A. Cieplok, A. Spyra).";
dc:description"FIGURE 3. Scanning electron microscopy image of A. hypnorum shell (10.18150/UFOMHM) A, B—front (with visible lip) and back side of the shell, C—projecting lamellar crystals on the lip (Phot. A—C M. Gawlak).";
dc:description"FIGURE 4. Ranges of occurrence of species of the family Physidae.1—P.acuta, 2—A. hypnorum, 3—P.gyrina, 4—P. fontinalis (Feliksiak 1939; Adam 1960; Backhuys 1975, Vidal Abarca & Suarez 1986; Lisický 1991; Anderson 1996, 1997;Turner et al. 1998; Cossignani & Cossignani 1995; Kerney 1999; Anderson 2003; Beran 2004; Bank 2006; Yildirim et al. 2006; Son 2007; Horsȃk et al. 2010; Glöer & Diercking 2010; CABI Data Mining 2011; Bódis et al. 2012; Laenko 2012; Van Damme et al. 2012; Welter-Schultes 2012; Glöer 2015; Vinarski et al. 2015; Raković et al. 2016; Piechocki & Wawrzyniak-Wydrowska 2016; Moroz et al. 2017; Cieplok & Spyra 2020; www.faunaeuropea.org; http://www.animalbase.uni-goettingen.de).";
dc:description"FIGURE 2. Scanning electron micrographs of the shell apex of Physidae (10.18150/FIZSWX) Horizontally: A—P. acuta (subsidence ponds); B—A. hypnorum (anthropogenic ponds, Poland); C—P. fontinalis (Nida River, Poland); D—P. gyrina (Ireland, The Argory- ditch and Sandy Bay L Neagh; Wales, Gwent Levels in pond in flood plain (l. Killen); E- Apex of the small (young) specimens—1—P. acuta, 2—A. hyponorum, 3—P. fontinalis, 4—P. gyrina (Phot. A–E M. Gawlak).";
dc:description"FIGURE 6. P. acuta shell features (SEM) (10.18150/G6UWMN); in which the sutural belts are visible (A), the structure of a white lip (B) with characteristic projecting lamellar crystals (C) is indicated by an arrow (Phot. A–C M. Gawlak), (D) a view of the lip visible under the stereoscopic microscope (Phot. M. Kanturski).";