dc:description"FIGURE 2. Turneroconcha magnifica n. comb. (Boss & Turner, 1980), RV Western Flyer, dive D 754, L=93 mm (IORAS, BIV00036-1). A, exterior of left valve. B, interior of left valve. C, exterior of right valve. D, interior of right valve. E, left hinge plate. F, right hinge plate. G, hinge margin of both valves. H, dorsal view. I, interior of right valve, pallial scars highlighted. J, anterior view. K, ventral view. 1, ventral cardinal tooth; 2a, anterior ramus of subumbonal cardinal tooth; 2b, posterior ramus of subumbonal cardinal tooth; 3b, posterior ramus of subumbonal cardinal; 4b, reduced posterodorsal cardinal tooth; all, anterior lamellar ligament layer; F, fibrous ligament layer; ppl, posterior part of posterior lamellar ligament layer; ny, nymph, tl, trace of posterior part of anterior lamellar ligament layer.";
dc:description"FIGURE 4. Turneroconcha magnifica n. comb. (Boss & Turner, 1980), semi-schematic line drawing of the interior of right valve. A, RV Western Flyer, dive D752, L=66 mm (IORAS, BIV00038-1). B, RV Western Flyer, dive D754, L=93 mm (IORAS, BIV00036-1).";
dc:description"FIGURE 8. Turneroconcha magnifica n. comb. (Boss & Turner, 1980), scanning electron micrographs of anatomical details, RV Western Flyer, dive D 754, L=36 mm (IORAS, BIV00036-2). A, posterior part of body, black rectangles indicate locations of anatomical details shown in the following images. B, dorsal thickening of the mantle margins above exhalant siphon with three rows of tentacles. C, tentacles between siphons. D, margin of exhalant siphon from inside. E, tentacles of exhalant siphon margin. F, cross section of ventral wall of inhalant siphon. G, plicated epithelium of ventral wall of inhalant siphon. H, inhalant siphon from inside. I, inner valve of inhalant siphon from inside. J, tentacles of inhalant siphon margin. K, mantle inner fold 2 from the basis of inhalant siphon. L, ciliary tufts from inner mantle wall near siphon basis. M, tentacle of exhalant siphon. N, tentacle of inhalant siphon. ci, cilia; ct, ciliary tufts; fes, inner flap of exhalant siphon; imf2, inner mantle fold 2; lm, pallial longitudinal muscle; m, muscle bands; ple, plicated epithelium; vis, inner valve of inhalant siphon. Scale bars: A, 5 mm; B–D, I, 200 µm; E–J, K, 100 µm; G, 50 µm; H, 500 µm; L–N, 10 µm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 5. Turneroconcha magnifica n. comb. (Boss & Turner, 1980), RV Western Flyer, dive D754, L=36 mm (IORAS, BIV00036-2). A, body as seen from left. B, body as seen from left, gills removed. C, body as seen from left, gills and part of visceral mass removed. aa, anterior adductor muscle; alid, ascending lamella of inner demibranch; alod, ascending lamella of outer demibranch; alp, anterior labial palps; au, auricle; dg, digestive gland; dlid, descending lamella of inner demibranch; dlod, descending lamella of outer demibranch; es, exhalant siphon; f, foot; hg, hindgut; is, inhalant siphon; k, kidney; m, mouth; mg, midgut; mvt, mantle vascularized thickening; pa, posterior adductor muscle; pc, pericardial cavity; plp, posterior labial palps; st, stomach; timf, tentacles of inner mantle fold 3; v, ventricle.";
dc:description"FIGURE 9. Turneroconcha magnifica n. comb. (Boss & Turner, 1980), Scanning electron micrographs of anatomical details, RV Western Flyer, dive D754, L=36 mm (IORAS, BIV00036-2) (A–K). A–C, transverse sections of distal parts of inner demibranch in the medial area showing interlamellar septa and lateral view of filaments. D, transverse section of filaments and interlamellar septa consisting of two plates of bacteriocytes, fusion of neighbouring plates creating dorsal wall of tubule arrowed. E, abfrontal surface of filaments. F, G, abfrontal surface of filaments with interlamellar septa. H, lateral view of filament and distal part of interlamellar septum. I, interlamellar septum showing a fragment of a tubule. J, frontal surface of filaments. K, lateral view of filament. RV Western Flyer, dive D752, L=104 mm. L, spermatozoids. acr, acrosome; fi, gill filament; fms, free margin of interlamellar septum; frc, frontal cilia; ifj, interfilamental junction; ils, interlamellar septum; lfc, latero-frontal cilia; lc, lateral cilia; mi, mitochondria; tb, boundaries between separate tubules; tub, tubule. Scale bars: A–C, E–G, 200 µm; D, H–J, 50 µm; K, 20 µm; L, 1 µm.";