dc:description"FIGURES 1 – 9. RepresentatIves of all genus-group names prevIously or currently Included In Sciacharis; dorsal habItus. Euconnus (Austroconophron) tindoui Franz, comb. rest. (type specIes of Austroconophron) (1); Sciacharis (s. str.) lanosa (Broun) (type specIes of Allomaoria) (2); Sciacharis (s. str.) fulva Broun (type specIes of Sciacharis) (3); Sciacharis (Maorinus) alacer (Broun) (type specIes of Maorinus) (4); Magellanoconnus (s. str.) laurisilvae (Franz), comb. rest. (type specIes of Magellanoconnus) (5); Magellanoconnus (Anthicimimus) anthiciformis (Franz), comb. n. (type specIes of Anthicimimus) (6); Neuraphoconnus caledonicus Franz, comb. rest. (type specIes of Neuraphoconnus) (7); Microscydmus (Valdivioconnus) stenichniformis (Franz), comb. n. (type specIes of Valdivioconnus) (8); and Kangarooconnus carinifrons (Franz), comb. n. (type specIes of Kangarooconnus) (9).";
dc:description"FIGURES 42 – 43. OrIgInal set of labels of Euconnus (Austroconophron) tindoui Franz, comb. rest. (type specIes of Austroconophron), lectotype (42); Sciacharis (s. str.) lanosa (Broun) (type specIes of Allomaoria), lectotype (43); Magellanoconnus (s. str.) laurisilvae (Franz), comb. rest. (type specIes of Magellanoconnus), holotype (44); Neuraphoconnus caledonicus Franz, comb. rest. (type specIes of Neuraphoconnus), lectotype (45); Microscydmus (Valdivioconnus) stenichniformis (Franz), comb. n. (type specIes of Valdivioconnus), holotype (46).";