dc:creator"Kobayashi, Shigeki; Johns, Chris A.; Kawahara, Akito Y.";
dc:title"Revision of the Hawaiian endemic leaf-mining moth genus Philodoria Walsingham (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae): its conservation status, host plants and descriptions of thirteen new species";
dc:description"FIGURE 11. Adults of Pipturus feeding Philodoria species. A P. pipturicola Swezey, 1915 paralectotype male, one of four cotypes (upper left specimen) on the same mount, B Lectotype male (upper right specimen on mount), C Paralectotype female (lower left specimen on mount), D Paralectotype female (lower right specimen on mount), E P. haelaauensis sp. n. male, F Paratype female. Scale bar 1 mm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 44. Valva of Philodoria, inner view. A, C, E, G, I: Left valva, B, D, F, H, J: Right valva. A, B P. pipturiella, paralectotype, Oahu, SK719, C, D P. pipturicola, paralectotype, Oahu, SK715, E, F P. Haelaauensis, holotype, Maui, SK718, G, H P. haelaauensis, Molokai, SK704 I P. floscula, Hawaii (Big Island), SK818, J P. floscula, Hawaii (Big Island), PHIL0001.";
dc:description"FIGURE 45. Genital capsule of Philodoria, excluding right portion of male genitalia, ventral view. A P. pipturiella, paralectotype, Oahu, SK719, B P. pipturicola, paralectotype, Oahu, SK715 C P. haelaauensis, holotype, Maui, SK718, D P. haelaauensis, Molokai, SK704, E P. floscula, Hawaii (Big Island), SK818, F Saccus, P. floscula, Hawaii (Big Island), PHIL0002.";
dc:description"FIGURE 46. Phallus of Philodoria, lateral view. A P. pipturiella, paralectotype, Oahu, SK719, B P. pipturicola, paralectotype, Oahu, SK715, C P. haelaauensis, holotype, Maui, SK718, D P. haelaauensis, Molokai, SK704, E P. floscula, Hawaii (Big Island), SK818.";
dc:description"FIGURE 57. Female genitalia of Pipturus-mining Philodoria. A P. costalis, paralectotype, SK653 B Same species, paratype, SK652 C P. pipturiella, SK722 D P. pipturicola, paralectotype, lateral view, SK717 E Same species, paralectotype, SK716 F P. haelaauensis, SK792 G P. floscula, SK819.";