dc:description"Fig. 8. Stereopairs of Bulaklestes kezbe Nessov, 1985; Dzharakuduk, Uzbekistan, Late Cretaceous (Turonian). A. 1985. CCMGE 19/12176, right P4; in labial (A1) and occlusal (A2) views. B. ZIN 82591, left M1 lacking paracone; in occlusal (B1), labial (B2), and anterior (B3) views. C. CCMGE 12/12176, type, right M3; in occlusal (C1), labial (C2), and anterior (C3) views.";
dc:description"Fig. 9. Stereopairs of Bulaklestes kezbe Nessov, 1985; Dzharakuduk, Uzbekistan, Late Cretaceous (Turonian). A. URBAC 03−142, right dentary with p4 missing most of the crown, p5, m1, and alveoli for two−rooted c and p1–2 (p4–5, m1 shown), in occlusal (A1), labial (A2), and lingual (A3) views. B. URBAC 00−61, left dentary with i3?–4?, c, p1–2, 4, in occlusal (B1), labial (B2), and lingual (B3) views.";
dc:description"Fig. 3. Stereopairs of Daulestes inobservabilis (Nessov, 1982); Dzharakuduk, Uzbekistan, Late Cretaceous (Turonian). A. URBAC 98−146, right P4 missing small part of anterior margin, in labial (A1) and occlusal (A2) views. B. URBAC 02−91, P5 and M1 from right maxilla with P5, M1, and alveoli for P4 and M2–3, in labial (B1), occlusal (B2), and lingual (B3) views. C. URBAC 98−140, left M2, in occlusal (C1), labial (C2), and anterior (C3) views.";
dc:description"Fig. 10. Stereopairs of Bulaklestes kezbe Nessov, 1985; Dzharakuduk, Uzbekistan, Late Cretaceous (Turonian). A. URBAC 98−141, left m1, in lingual (A1) and occlusal (A2) views. B. URBAC 03−94, m2 from left dentary with m2 and alveoli for p5, m1, and m3, in lingual (B1) and occlusal (B2) views. C. URBAC 04−170, erupting m3 from right dentary with erupting m3 and posterior alveolus for m2; occlusal. D. URBAC 04−163, left dentary with m2–3, m1 lacking most of the crown, and alveoli for p5, in lingual (D1) and occlusal (D2) views.";
dc:description"Fig. 1. Stereopairs of Daulestes kulbeckensis Trofimov and Nessov, 1979; Dzharakuduk, Uzbekistan, Late Cretaceous (Turonian). A. URBAC 98−126, probably associated lingual and labial parts of a left M1 in, occlusal (A1), labial (A2), and anterior (A3) views. B. URBAC 98−127, a right M2 lacking the metacone, in occlusal (B1), labial (B2), and anterior (B3) views.";