dc:description"FIG. 1.—Male holotype of Eleutherodactylus hobartsmithi Taylor (A, FMNH 100114, SVL ¼ 14.4 mm); female holotype of Leiuperus mexicanus Brocchi (B, MNHNP 6318, SVL ~ 40 mm); male holotype of Microbatrachylus oaxacae Taylor (C, FMNH 100001, SVL ¼ 18.1 mm); male holotype of Microbatrachylus lineatissimus Taylor (D, FMNH 100036, SVL ¼ 20.0 mm); female holotype of Microbatrachylus montanus Taylor (E, USNM 115507, SVL ¼ 27.0 mm); female holotype of Eleutherodactylus pygmaeus Taylor (F, UIMNH 16125, SVL ¼ 17.0 mm); female holotype of Microbatrachylus albolabris Taylor (G, FMNH 100071, SVL ¼ 16.5 mm); male holotype of Microbatrachylus minimus Taylor (H, FMNH 100323, SVL ¼ 15.0 mm); female holotype of Microbatrachylus imitator Taylor (I, USNM 115508, SVL ¼ 14.2 mm); male lectotype of Syrrhaphus omiltemanus Günther (J, BMNH 1947.2.16.62, SVL ¼ 19.8 mm); female lectotype of Hylodes calcitrans Günther (K, BMNH 1947.2.16.47, SVL ¼ 34.9 mm); female holotype of Eleutherodactylus saltator Taylor (L, FMNH 100166, SVL ¼ 44.0 mm). Symbols correspond to current taxonomic assignments (square ¼ C. hobartsmithi, triangle ¼ C. mexicanus, crossedsquare ¼ C. montanus, pentagon ¼ C. omiltemanus, circle ¼ C. pygmaeus, rotated-triangle ¼ C. saltator). A color version of this figure is available online.";
dc:description"FIG. 12.—Skull shape variation within the Craugastor mexicanus series as depicted by principal components analysis of 14 geometric morphometric landmarks (Fig. 10). The first 7 principal components explained ~75% of the variance. The second and third principal components are depicted because they maximized differences between large-bodied and small bodied species.";
dc:description"FIG. 3.—Concatenated Maximum Likelihood analyses of two mitochondrial (12S and 16S) and two nuclear (RAG1 and TYR) gene fragments sequenced from the Craugastor mexicanus series (total of 2230 base pairs). Node values correspond to bootstrap support from Maximum Likelihood analysis and posterior probabilities from a Bayesian analysis of the same data set, respectively. Support values are not reported for nodes that had,50/0.50. NS indicates no support in the Bayesian analysis for a depicted relationship. Locality abbreviations are as follows: COL ¼ Colima, HID ¼ Hidalgo, GRO ¼ Guerrero, JAL ¼ Jalisco, MEX ¼ Estado de México, OAX ¼ Oaxaca, PUE ¼ Puebla, and VER ¼ Veracruz.";
dc:description"FIG. 4.—Maximum Likelihood analyses of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) markers sequenced from the Craugastor mexicanus series (total of 1047 base pairs). Black circles indicate nodes receiving bootstrap support values.90 from the Maximum Likelihood analysis and 0.90 posterior probabilities in corresponding Bayesian analyses. Where posterior probabilities were.0.90 but Maximum Likelihood bootstrap support was,90, a number indicates the bootstrap support. NS indicates no support in the Bayesian analysis for a depicted relationship. Locality abbreviations are as follows: COL ¼ Colima, HID ¼ Hidalgo, GRO ¼ Guerrero, JAL ¼ Jalisco, MEX ¼ Estado de México, OAX ¼ Oaxaca, PUE ¼ Puebla, and VER ¼ Veracruz.";
dc:description"FIG. 5.—Maximum Likelihood analysis of nuclear DNA (nDNA) markers sequenced from the Craugastor mexicanus series (total of 1183 base pairs). Black circles indicate nodes receiving bootstrap support values.90 from the Maximum Likelihood analysis and 0.90 posterior probabilities in corresponding Bayesian analyses. Where posterior probabilities were.0.90 but Maximum Likelihood bootstrap support was,90, a number indicates the bootstrap support. NS indicates no support in the Bayesian analysis for a depicted relationship. Locality abbreviations are as follows: COL ¼ Colima, GRO ¼ Guerrero, JAL ¼ Jalisco, MEX ¼ Estado de México, OAX ¼ Oaxaca, PUE ¼ Puebla, and VER ¼ Veracruz.";
dc:description"FIG. 6.—Distribution of Craugastor mexicanus, C. montanus, C. pygmaeus, and C. saltator in Mexico and Guatemala. Dots inside symbols indicate individuals used in the molecular analyses in this study. Relevant type localities are indicated by text and arrows.";
dc:description"FIG. 28.—Female holotype of Craugastor greggi (FMNH 20876, SVL ¼ 36.0 mm) of the C. laticeps series (sensu Hedges et al. 2008) from Volcan Tajumulco, near San Marcos, Guatemala, in dorsal (left) and ventral (right) views. Images courtesy of the Field Museum of Natural History. A color version of this figure is available online.";