dc:description"FIGURE 48. Mecodema ponaiti plate with half habitus (left) and the three (detached) structures of the male aedeagus: the right (RP) and left parameres (LP), plus the penis lobe (PL). The bottom scale bar is the width across the widest point of the pronotum of the specimen used for this habitus and top scale bar equates to the half the length of the penis lobe.";
dc:description"FIGURE 14. Diagrammatic cross sections that represent the width and convexity of head or deflection of pronotum (frontal view): (A) broad and flat; (B) broad and convex; (C) narrow and flat; (D) narrow and convex.";
dc:description"FIGURE 12. Ventral view of the mentum with a number of different character states. Illustrations A–D are the different forms of the indentation in the apex of the median process: (A) distinctly indentate (M. manaia); (B) moderately indentate (M. pluto); (C) slightly indentate (M. infimate); (D) indentation notched (M. parataiko). Illustrations E–G are the three general forms (i.e., hashed lines) of the mentum lobes: (E) triangular; (F) rounded; (G) squared.";
dc:description"FIGURE 8. Detail of the ventral head with the taxonomic structures used in the species descriptions. SBMS = submentum setae; SBM = submentum sclerite; ML = mentum lobe; MP = mentum process (with indentation); MPW = mentum process width; SBS = stipes basal setae; MPL = mentum process length; MPS = mentum process setae; SBMC = submentum sclerite constriction; GP = gula pits; GS = gula suture.";
dc:description"FIGURE 10. The protibia form is a character used mainly to determine between genera, except for one species in Mecodema where the difference between (A) greatly distally expanded (M. antarctica) and (B) expanded distally (all other Mecodema species) is used.";
dc:description"FIGURE 6. Detail of the three different forms of the elytral humeral angle: (A) = anteriorly convergent (M. parataiko), (B) = evenly convex (M. oconnori), (C) = subangulate (M. atuanui).";
dc:description"FIGURE 2. Ventral view of a Mecodema specimen showing specific morphological structures, excluding taxonomic structures indicated in detail figures, used in the species descriptions. ƑLF = ventrite lateral foveae; ƑSP = ventrite setose punctures; MTC = metacoxa; MTƑP = metaventrite process; MSC = mesocoxa; PC = procoxa; PS = prosternum; G = gena; PES = proepisternum; MSE = mesepisternum; MTE = metepisternum; Ƒ1–Ƒ6 = ventrites 1-6 (ventrites 1-3 may be fused); M = midline (dashed line, not a taxonomic structure).";
dc:description"FIGURE 4. An Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope (ESEM) photograph of the four main structures of the apical plate of the endophallus within the penis lobe. This is an example from Mecodema haunoho showing the central spicule (c.s), left (l.s.f) and the right setose flange (r.s.f), and microtrichial field (m.f). These structures are variable among species but within a species, they are very consistent, even over distant geographical ranges. The microtrichial field can be covered in flattened scales as in photo above, or with elongated setae-like scales.";
dc:description"FIGURE 5. The entire female reproductive tract (ventral view) including taxonomic structures (for all other abbreviated structure names see Seldon et al. 2012). However, for this revision only the following structures are important: HS = helminthoid sclerite; G1 = gonocoxite 1; G2 = gonocoxite 2; TDC = transverse dorsal carina; R = ramus.";