dc:description"FIGURE 2. A–C. Tergites of a rather darkly coloured specimen of Dz. (Dz.) bolivari. A: T2–4; B: T5; C: T6.—D–F. T6 of lightly coloured specimens from D: Dz. (Dz.) curvisetosa; E: Dz. (Dz.) brevisacculata; F: Dz. (Dz.) bolivari.—G–J. Lateral pre-ridge area pa of T2 with glandular pores (arrows), tr transversal ridge. G: Dz. (Dz.) bolivari; H: Dz. (Dz.) curvisetosa; I: Dz. (Dz.) brevisacculata; J: Dz. (Dz.) pilleata.—Enlargements: Same scale in A–C and in G–J.—Identifications: A–C (Ma 188/1), D (Sp 219/5), E (Sp 193a/4), F (Ma 5a/4), G (Ma 222/1), H (Sp 219/6), I (holotype, Sp 193a/2), J (holotype, Sp 187/13).";
dc:description"FIGURE 3. A–C. Male structures of Dziriblatta (Dz.) bolivari. A, B: dorsal view into the interior of the central pit extending between the dorsal edge of the pouch opening po and the posterior wall of the pit pw. In A bases of bristles (light circles) focused to show how the layer of bristles on the ventral wall of the pouch p is continued outside the lobes in two ribbons on the membraneous part of the pit bottom m; tl trail, slerotized part of the pit bottom; in B bristles in full length focused, notice the curving of the shorter mesal bristles sbr and the straight appearance of the long bristles lbr originating in the pouch lobes, and their common ending near the sagittal ridge r. C: male T7 with pouch lobes; abbreviations not yet mentioned: gu gutter; h lateral hole.—D–F. Male of Dz. (Dz.) brevisacculata, T7 with pouch lobes, in D one of the three specimens with relatively narrowly rounded lobe tips.—G–I. Male terminalia showing the posterior border pt of T10 of the species Dz. (Dz.) brevisacculata (G), curvisetosa (H), and pilleata (I).—Enlargements: Same scale for A,B, for D–F, and for G–I.—Identifications:A (Sp 123/1), B,C (Sp 209/1,5), D,E (Sp 193a/4,3), F (Sp 457/2), G (holotype, Sp 193a/2), H (Sp 214/4), I (holotype, Sp 187/13).";
dc:description"FIGURE 5. A–F. Male T7 of species of the bolivari-species group. A–C: Dziriblatta (Dz.) brevisacculata, in A specimen with exceptional shape and length of the pouch lobes; D–F: Dz. (Dz.) curvisetosa.—Abbreviations: br bristles; gu gutter; h lateral hole; p pouch lobe; r sagittal ridge; tl trail.—Identifications: A (Sp 193a/1), B,C (Sp 458/2,3), D,E (Sp 214/5,7), F (Sp 219/2).";
dc:description"FIGURE 6. A–I. Male structures of Dziriblatta (Dz.) curvisetosa. A: T2–4; B: T5; C: T6; D: T7; E: T7, central region in more detail; F–H: dorsal view into the interior of the central pit. I: thoracic nota with tegmina.—Abbreviations: br bristles; gu gutter; h lateral hole; m membraneous part of the pit bottom; p pouch lobe; po dorsal edge of pouch opening; pw posterior wall of pit; r sagittal ridge; tl trail.—Enlargements: Same scale for A–C and for F–H.—Identifications: A–F,I (holotype, Sp 214/4), E,G (Sp 214/5), H (Sp 214/6).";
dc:description"FIGURE 27. Distribution of the species of subgenus Dziriblatta in Morocco and southern Spain (for mountains and locality numbers see Fig. 28). The lobososacculata-species group is distributed along the main mountain ranges of the Middle and High Atlas and the Rif, the bolivari-species group mainly further North: along the western Tell Atlas in Algeria (see fig. 32 in Bohn 2019), in northern Morocco including the northern part of the Middle Atlas, and in southern Spain along the Cordillera Penibetica, West of the Sierra Nevada up to Algeciras. The names of the species and their symbols are listed in the sequence of their distribution, which in the bolivari-species group is from East to West, in the lobososacculata-species group from North to South.The numbered arrows indicate localities with the common occurrence of two different species of subgenus Dziriblatta. In most cases Dz. (Dz.) algerica is found associated with another species, at locality 1 with Dz. (Dz.) bolivari, at 2 with Dz. (Dz.) ramososacculata, and at 4 with Dz. (Dz.) lobososacculata; at locality 3 Dz. (Dz.) ramososacculata is occurring together with Dz. (Dz.) planotuberculata.—Abbreviation: indet. females = indetermined females, only in Spain.";
dc:description"FIGURE 29. Cladogram of the species of subgenus Dziriblatta reconstructed via the states of 9 male characters as listed below. Due to the complexity of the structures the “characters” are mostly character complexes rather than single characters. The presumed character states of the last common ancestor are listed at the root of the cladogram.—The alphabetic sequence of the states usually follows the assumed sequence in the evolution. But after a branching two different evolutionary lines may develop; the branching point is marked by an arrow (k) indicating where the line branching off is continued. The end of a line is marked by a slash.—For the species of the bolivari subgroup a separate character (10) was introduced in order to allow a differentiation between the four very similar species.";