dc:creator"Chan, Benny K. K.; Cheang, Chi Chiu; Chen, I-Han; Kolbasov, Gregory A.";
dc:title"Acrothoracican barnacles (Lithoglyptida) in Taiwan, including the taxonomic status of Balanodytes taiwanus Utinomi, 1950 and cryptic diversity of Auritoglyptes bicornis (Aurivillius, 1892)";
dc:description"FIGURE 1. (A) Syntype of Balanodytes taiwanus at Seto Marine Laboratory, Kyoto University, Japan. (B) Jar of the syntypes contains the base of a Megabalanus where found Balanodytes were removed, and a vial contained two dissected syntypes of B. taiwanus. (C) Opercular region of syntype of B. taiwanus with opercular bars and orificial knob magnified in (D) and posterior process magnified in (E). (F) A pairs of caudal appendages (ca, magnified in “ G ”) were observed at the last pair of terminal cirri (tc). Abbreviations: ca— caudal appendages, tc — terminal cirri. Scale bars in Μm, except B in mm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 2. (A) Sampling locations in Taiwan. (B) Burrow openings of Balanodytes taiwanus Utinomi, 1950, from various substrates. (C) Balanodytes taiwanus, female, general view. (D) Balanodytes taiwanus, mouth cirrus. Abbreviations: cc — comb collar, tc— terminal cirri, ob— opercular bar, obp — posterior process of opercular bar, ok — orificial knob. Scale bars (except on ‘ B’) in µm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 3. Balanodytes taiwanus Utinomi, 1950, external morphology of female. (A) Lateral view of live female. (B) and (C) Posterior processes of opercular bars, opercular bars and orificial knob, showing variation in teeth number along the margin, lateral view. (D) and (E) Orificial knob, showing variation in teeth on surface, lateral view. (F) Opercular area observed under scanning electron microscope (SEM), upper lateral view. (G) Posterior process of opercular bars under SEM, showing teeth and setae, upper lateral view. (H) Orificial knob under SEM, showing teeth and sparse setae, upper view. (I) Comb collar under SEM, showing plumose projections. (J) Enlarged view of cuticular projections of comb collar. (K) Rows of massive multifid scales on opercular region. (L) Mantle teeth on surface of orificial knob. Abbreviations: cc — comb collar, ms— massive multifid scales, ob — opercular bar, obp — posterior process of opercular bar, ok — orificial knob. Scale bars in Μm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 4. Balanodytes taiwanus Utinomi, 1950, terminal cirri and caudal appendages of female. (A) Posterior end of thorax with bases of terminal cirri and caudal appendages. (B) and (C) Caudal appendages, 2 - segmented, without pedestal. (D) Terminal cirri and caudal appendages under scanning electron microscope (SEM), rear view. (E) and (F) Caudal appendages under SEM. (G) Rear view of terminal cirri under SEM. Abbreviations: ca — caudal appendages, tc 1 - 4 — terminal cirri, th — thorax. Scale bars in Μm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 5. Balanodytes taiwanus Utinomi, 1950, mouth parts of female. (A) Maxillae. (B) Mandible. (C) Maxillule. (D) Mandibular palp. (E) Labrum. (F) Enlarged view distal edge of labrum from rectangle area on “ E ” showing fine teeth. Scale bars in Μm.";