dc:creator"Miller, Sophie A.; Barrett, Paul Z.; McLaughlin, Win N. F.; Hopkins, Samantha S. B.";
dc:title"Endemism and migration in the Kochkor Basin? Identification and description of Adcrocuta eximia (Mammalia: Carnivora: Hyaenidae) and c. f. Paramachaerodus (Mammalia: Carnivora: Felidae) fossils at the Miocene locality of Ortok, Kyrgyzstan";
dc:description"FIGURE 6. Annotated views of UOMNH F-70509, cf. Paramachaerodus. A, distal tip of canine, labial view; B, distal tip of canine, posterior view, note incipient crenulations on posterior edge (arrows); C, distal tip of canine, lingual view; D, schematic representation of preserved post-canine elements, not to common scale, inferred missing anatomy modified from Li and Spassov (2017); E, occlusal view of preserved left M1; F, anterior view of preserved left M1; G, occlusal view of preserved P4 paracone; H, lingual view of preserved P4 paracone; I, labial view of preserved P4 paracone; Abbreviations: cc, centrocrista; cn, carnassial notch; mt, metacone; pc, paracrista; *prt, flared portion of paracone cusp leading to protocone; ps, parastyle. Scale bar A–C, and G–I, equals 15 mm, E–F, equals 6 mm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 7. Time-scaled phylogeny of the Paramachaerodus genus and UOMNH F-70509’s placement within it. The depicted tree is a strict consensus of two most-parsimonious trees of score 32. Note the location of UOMNH F-70509 as unresolved relative to “Promegantereon” ogygia at the base of the genus even though it occurs much later in the rock record. Time-scaling was performed in R, version 3.6.1 (R Core Team, 2019) with the Strap package (Bell and Lloyd, 2014) using the “basic” method. Taxa ages derive from Li and Spassov (2017). The outgroup taxon Proailurus lemanensis has an Oligocene occurrence, not shown for clarity, but its basal position in our analysed taxa is depicted with dotted lines.";