dc:description"FIGURES 17 – 32. Adults. 17, F. anningensis Wu; 18, F. chinensis Gozmany; 19, F. compsostoma Meyrick; 20, F. c o r n u - alis sp. nov.; 21, F. homalistis Meyrick; 22, F. melanardis Meyrick; 23, F. neacantha Wu and Park; 24, F. procentra Meyrick; 25, F. senilis Meyrick; 26, F. spuriella Park; 27, F. strepsiptilia Meyrick; 28, F. sulcata Meyrick; 29, F. thapsina Wu and Park; 30, F. veriticosa Meyrick; 31, F. crossophaea (Meyrick); 32, F. homalistis Meyrick.";
dc:description"FIGURES 57 – 61. Male genitalia. 57, F. spuriella Park, CIS- 4999, holotype; 58, F. strepsiptilia Meyrick, BM- 8660, holotype; 59, F. sulcata Meyrick, BM- 8659, holotype; 60, F. thapsina Wu and Park, CIS- 5198, non-type; 61, F. veriticos Meyrick, BM- 8660.";
dc:description"FIGURES 2 – 15. Adults. 2, Frisilia ancylosana Wu and Park; 3, F. asiana Park; 4, F. ceylonica Park and Wu; 5, F. dipsia Meyrick; 6, F. forficatella Park; 7, F. heliapta (Meyrick); 8, F. moriutii Park; 9, F. nesciatella Walker; 10, F. nesiotes sp. nov.; 11, F. notifica Meyrick; 12, F. ro s t r a t a Meyrick; 13, F. sejuncta Meyrick; 14, F. tricrosura Wu and Park; 15, F. triturata Meyrick; 16, F. trizeugma Wu and Park.";
dc:description"FIGURE 1. Frisilia forficatella Park, male, adult. Left, overview of head, showing the fully scaled labial palpus as it appears in situ; right, denuded labial palpus, showing its atypical structure, which is diagnostic for males of this genus (after Park, 2005).";