dc:creator"Kobayashi, Shigeki; Johns, Chris A.; Kawahara, Akito Y.";
dc:title"Revision of the Hawaiian endemic leaf-mining moth genus Philodoria Walsingham (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae): its conservation status, host plants and descriptions of thirteen new species";
dc:description"FIGURE 14. Adults of Philodoria species that have two costal streaks (cs1 and cs2). A P. dubauticola Swezey, 1940 lectotype female, B P. dubautiella (Swezey, 1913) lectotype male one of two cotypes on the same mount (upper specimen), C Paralecto- type female (lower specimen), D Female, Oahu, E P. sp. nr. P. dubautiella male, Kauai, F P. alakaiensis sp. n. holotype male. Scale bar 1 mm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 27. Forewing pattern variation in Philodoria. Specimens from recent collection efforts that were preserved in ethanol or RNA stabilization reagent, originally for molecular studies. A P. dubauticola, male (CJ402/SK812), B P. dubautiella, male CJ524a/SK686), C P. hibiscella, female (CJ399/SK723), D Same species, male (CJ089/SK724), lateral view, E Same species, dorsal view, F Philodoria sp., male, host: Dubautia plantaginea, Maui (CJ352c/SK770), G Philodoria sp., female (CJ500), host: Dubautia plantaginea, Oahu, H P. naenaeiella (CJ188), abdomen missing, I P. neraudicola, female (CJ336/SK838), host: Pipturus albidus, J Same species, female (CJ369), host: Pipturus sp., K P. obamaorum, female (CJ423/SK844), L Same species, left forewing, M Same species, female (CJ403a/SK735), N P. touchardiella, female (CJ401a/SK764), O Same species, male (CJ401b/SK765), P P. marginestrigata, male (CJ165/SK760), host: Lipochaeta rockii, Q Same species, male (CJ187/SK771), host: Abutilon menziesii, R Same species, male (CJ379c), host: Sida fallax. Scale bar 1 mm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 34. Adult female head of five species of Philodoria, showing their maxillary palpus. A P. succedanea, B, C P. kolea, paratype, D P. basalis, E P. dubauticola, F P. hauicola. lp: labial palpus, pf: pilifer, pr: proboscis. Arrows point to the maxillary palpus. Scale bar 0.1 mm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 47. Left valva of Philodoria, inner view. A P. wilkesiella, Maui, PHIL0007, B P. epibathra, Molokai, SK678, C P. dubauticola, Maui, SK646, D P. dubautiella, paralectotype, Oahu SK726, E P. alakaiensis, paratype, Kauai, SK660, F P. limahuliensis, holotype, Kauai, SK731, G P. hibiscella, Oahu, SK684, H P. naenaeiella, paralectotype, Oahu, SK691, I P. knudseniiella, holotype Kauai, SK862, J P. hesperomanniella, holotype, Maui, SK831.";
dc:description"FIGURE 48. Genital capsule of Philodoria, excluding right portion of male genitalia, ventral view. A P. wilkesiella, Maui, PHIL0007, B P. epibathra, Molokai, SK678, C P. dubauticola, Maui SK646, D P. dubautiella, paralectotype, Oahu, SK733, E P. alakaiensis, paratype, Kauai, SK660, F P. limahuliensis, holotype, Kauai, SK731, G P. hibiscella Oahu SK684, H P. naenaeiella paralectotype, Oahu, SK691, I P. knudseniiella, holotype, Kauai, SK862, J P. hesperomanniella, holotype, Maui, SK831.";
dc:description"FIGURE 49. Phallus of Philodoria, lateral view. A P. wilkesiella, Maui, PHIL0007, B P. epibathra, Molokai, SK678, C P. dubauticola, Maui, SK812, D P. dubautiella, paralectotype, Oahu, SK733 E P. alakaiensis, paratype, Kauai, SK660, F P. limahuliensis, holotype, Kauai, SK731, G P. hibiscella, Oahu, SK684, H P. naenaeiella, paralectotype, Oahu, SK691, I P. knudseniiella, holotype, Kauai, SK862, J P. hesperomanniella, holotype, Maui, SK831.";
dc:description"FIGURE 58. Female genitalia of Philodoria. A P. wilkesiella, SK761, B P. epibathra, SK679, C P. dubauticola, SK645, D Same species, PHIL0008, E P. dubautiella, SK692, F P. alakaiensis, paratype, SK659, G Same species, lateral view, H P. hibiscella, SK723, I P. naenaeiella, SK703, J Same species, SK834, K P. knudseniiella, paratype, SK863, L P. hesperomanniella, paratype, SK832, M Same species, SK620.";
dc:description"FIGURE 88. Asteraceae-mining Philodoria with thier host plants. A: P. wilkesiella, West Maui, host: Argyroxiphium grayanum, B–F: P. dubauticola, Haelaau, Maui, same series as CJ073, 074, 077 079, 080, 082–084, 094,111, 255, 256, host: Dubautia laxa, G, H: P. naenaeiella Poamoho, Oahu, same series as CJ130, 131, 140, 142, host: Dubautia sp. 1, I–L: Unidentified Philodoria species, J, K: East Oahu, host: Dubautia sp. 2, I: Eke, Maui, host: D. laxa, L: Kamakou, Molokai. A Old mines and cocoons, B, L Young mine, C, H, J, K Mine of late instar larva, G, D, E, I Mature mine, F Cocoon by final instar larva.Arrows point to cocoon (A) and mine (I).";
dc:description"FIGURE 75. Resting posture of adult Philodoria. A Philodoria sp. nr. P dubauticola, Maui, CJ315, host: Dubautia platyphylla, B P. hesperomanniella, Maui, CJ367, host: Hesperomannia arborescens, C Same moth species and host plant, West Maui, CJ362, D, E P. platyphylliella, Maui, CJ368, host: Dubautia platyphylla, F, G Same moth species and host plant, male, Maui, CJ358.";