dc:description"FIGURE 1. Henlea magnaampullacea sp. n. (A – D) and Fridericia sphaerica sp. n. (E – G). H. magnaampullacea: A. Spermathecae; B. Sperm funnel; C. Nephridium; D. Intestinal diverticulum (ventral view). F. sphaerica: E. Oesophageal appendage. F. Sperm funnel; G. Spermatheca.";
dc:description"FIGURE 4. Micrographs of Fridericia sphaerica sp. n. A. Brain. B. Clitellar glands ventral view (between the bursal slits only granulocytes in rows); C. Ventral view of X – XII (between and before the bursal slits only granulocytes), (fixed and stained). D. Epidermal glands in rows, and glandular epidermal field around spermathecal ectal orifice. E – F. Coelomocytes in 100 x magnification, type c, with well-visible nucleus (arrows in E), some coelomocytes with granulation (arrow in F) G. chylus cells XIV – XV. H. Sperm funnel and well-developed seminal vesicle. All micrographs in vivo, except C. Scale bars 50 µm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 2. Micrographs of Henlea magnaampullacea sp. n. (A – F) and Fridericia sphaerica sp. n. (G – I). H. magnaapullacea: A. Origin of dorsal vessel in IX (marked with black arrow), intestinal diverticula in VIII (marked with white arrow). B. Intestinal diverticula in VIII. C. Clitellar glands, dorsal view. D. Clitellar glands between the male copulatory organs, ventral view. E. Spermathecae of the holotype. F. Spermathecae of a fixed and stained specimens. Fridericia sphaerica: G. Clitellar glands dorsal view. H. Sperm funnels. I. Spermathecae; spiral loop of ectal duct canal marked with arrow. All micrographs in vivo, except F. Scale bars 50 µm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 5. Micrographs of Fridericia sphaerica sp. n. A. Sperm funnels. B – E. Spermathecae; B – C, spiral loop of ectal duct canal marked with arrow; D granulation in ampulla marked with arrow. A, B, D in vivo, C, E fixed, stained. Scale bars = 50 µm.";