bibo:journal"Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society";
dc:creator"Križanová, Františka Rataj; Vďačný, Peter";
dc:title"A Heterolepidoderma and Halichaetoderma gen. nov. (Gastrotricha: Chaetonotidae) riddle: integrative taxonomy and phylogeny of six new freshwater species from Central Europe";
dc:description"Figure 29. Halichaetoderma hexagonale sp. nov.A, dorsal overview showing the keel pattern.B, ventral overview showing the keel and ciliary pattern.ceph, cephalion; epi, epipleurae; hyp, hypopleurae. Scale bar = 30 µm.";
dc:description"Figure 30. Halichaetoderma hexagonale sp. nov. A, head dorsal scales are narrowly oblong with a posterior truncated end. B, C, head dorsolateral, neck and upper-trunk dorsal scales are oblong to narrowly oblong. D, trunk dorsal scales are hexagonal with more or less rounded edges.E, F, trunk dorsal posterior central scale and furca lateral scales are oblong. G, interciliary field scales are narrowly oblong and keeled. H, trunk dorsolateral posterior scales are oblong with a truncated posterior end. I, furca base dorsal scale is very broadly cordiform.";
dc:description"Figure 31. Halichaetoderma hexagonale sp. nov. A, detail showing the pharynx reinforcements. Note the well-developed cephalion with a free posterior edge. B, ventrolateral view of the head, showing the mouth and the narrowly oblong scales with a posterior truncated end. The mouth ring is oval, approximately 6.3 μm in the largest diameter, and located ventroterminally at U1–U3. C, trunk dorsal scales are hexagonal with more or less rounded edges.They are keeled, partially overlap, and adhere to the basal cuticle layer along most or all of their perimeter. This dominant scale type covers the main trunk portion from approximately U35 till almost U87. D, dorsal view of the head, showing the epipleurae and the narrowly oblong scales with a posterior truncated end. E, dorsal view of the posterior trunk region, showing hexagonal scales and a big very broadly cordiform scale (arrowhead). ceph, cephalion; epi, epipleurae; m, mouth; phr, pharynx reinforcements.Scale bars = 5 µm (E), 10 µm (A, C, D), 15 µm (B).";
dc:description"Figure 6. Phylogenetic tree of chaetonotids based on 18S, 28S, and COI sequences.Only the highlighted part of the inset phylogram is shown. The upper half of the phylogram is presented in Figure 5. Bootstrap values for maximum likelihood conducted in IQ-TREE and posterior probabilities for Bayesian inference conducted in MrBayes were mapped onto the best scoring maximum likelihood tree. Fully statistically supported nodes are marked with black solid circles.GenBank accession numbers can be found in Supporting Information, Table S1. The scale bar denotes four substitutions per one hundred nucleotide positions.";