dc:title"Supraspecific taxonomy of Palaearctic Platycleidini with unarmed prosternum: a morphological approach (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae, Tettigoniinae)";
dc:description"FIGURES 1 – 10. Lateral view of the pronotum of 10 species of Platycleidini (Platycleis, Tessellana, Montana, Sardoplatycleis, Modestana, Alticolana, Parnassiana, Ariagona, Amedegnatiana).";
dc:description"FIGURE 47. Measures (in mm) of pronotum length of different species of Tessellana plotted on the ratio ‘ length hind femora / length of tegmina’ to show different position of the species. Above males, below females.";
dc:description"FIGURES 43 – 46. 43) and 44) Pronotum of Tessellana nigrosignata and T. carinata from above to show median keel; 45) and 46) Tegmina of T. nigrosignata and T. orina to show the different pattern of veinlets.";