dc:description"FIGURE 4. Merodon nanus, hind leg, lateral view; A. male; B. female. Tarsi of the hind leg of female, dorsal view; C. M. telmateia; D. M. nanus. Dotted areas indicate darkly pigmented cuticle.";
dc:description"FIGURE 7. Apical part of hypandrium, anterior view. A. Merodon neonanus sp. n.; B. M. kopensis sp. n.; C. M. rasicus sp. n.; D. M. telmateia; x—inner edge of the apical part of the hypandrium; ih—inner processes of the hypandrium.";
dc:description"FIGURE 5. Male genitalia. A – C. Merodon nanus; D. M. rasicus sp. n. A. Epandrium, lateral view; B. hypandrium, lateral view; C – D. distal end of the aedeagus, ventral view; ps – posterior surstyle lobe; c – cercus; ih – inner processes of the hypandrium; ab – aedeagal box; n – notch on theca to which is attached the aedeagal apodeme; e – ejaculatory apodeme.";
dc:description"FIGURE 10. Aedeagal box of Merodon rasicus sp. n. A – L. ventral view; A – F. lateral view; G – L. Turkey, Hakkari: A, G. Iran, Fars Darab: B, H. Greece, Kavala: C, I. Turkey, Mardin: D, J. Serbia, Kopaonik: E, K. “ Poland ”: F, L.";
dc:description"FIGURE 12. Aedeagus with accessory structures, lateral view. A. Merodon kopensis sp. n.; B. M. neonanus sp. n.; C. M. nanus; D. M. rasicus sp. n.; E. M. telmateia.";
dc:description"FIGURE 6. Male genitalia of Merodon kopensis sp. n., lateral view. A. epandrium; B. hypandrium; ab—aedeagal box; nnotch on theca to which is attached the aedeagal apodeme; ih—inner processes of the hypandrium.";
dc:description"FIGURE 8. Male genitalia of Merodon neonanus sp. n. A – B. epandrium, lateral view; C. hypandrium, lateral view; D. distal end of aedeagus, ventral view; A—Greece; B—FRY of Macedonia; ab—aedeagal box; n—notch on theca to which is attached the aedeagal apodeme; ih—inner processes of the hypandrium.";
dc:description"FIGURE 9. Male genitalia of Merodon rasicus sp. n., lateral view. A. epandrium; B. hypandrium; ab—aedeagal box; n—notch on theca to which is attached the aedeagal apodeme; ih—inner processes of the hypandrium.";