dc:description"Fig. 1. Maps showing records (yellow circles) and type localities (stars) of Pseudopolydora spp. from the Arabian Gulf, Kuwait (see Supp. Table ESM1). A. P. antennata (Claparède, 1868). B. P. arabica Radashevsky & Al-Kandari, 2020 (red star = type locality: Al-Salmiya, Kuwait). C. P. kuwaiti sp. nov. (red star = type locality: Al-Judailiat). D. Yellow star = type locality of Pseudopolydora auha sp. nov.: Auha Is.; red star = type locality of P. melanopalpa sp. nov.: Sulaibikhat Bay; green star = type locality of Pseudopolydora multispinosa sp. nov.: Al-Salmiya, Kuwait.";
dc:description"Fig. 5.AdultcharacteristicsofPseudopolydora spp.fromtheArabian Gulf, Kuwait.A–C. Pseudopolydora antennata (Claparède, 1868). D. P. arabica Radashevsky & Al-Kandari, 2020. E. P. kuwaiti sp. nov. A. Relationships between caruncle length (in chaetiger numbers) and total number of chaetigers, and between distribution of branchiae (referring to number of the last branchiate chaetiger) and total number of chaetigers. B. Relationships between distribution of gametes (referring to number of the first and the last chaetigers with gametes) and total number of chaetigers. C–E. Relationships between distribution of branchiae (referring to number of the last branchiate chaetiger LBC divided by the total number of chaetigers TNC) and total number of chaetigers.";
dc:description"Fig. 6. Chaetal morphology of Pseudopolydora antennata (Claparède, 1868) (formalin-fixed and stained with MG specimens, MIMB 40895). A. Chaetigers 2–6, left lateral view, showing mirror reflected J-shaped arrangement of the anterior-row notochaetae in notopodia of chaetigers 3 and 4, and U-shaped arrangement of spines in notopodium of chaetiger 5. B. Parapodium of chaetiger 5, dorsal superior capillaries missing. C. Notochaetae of chaetiger 5. D–E. Series of bidentate hooded hooks from middle neuropodia, frontal (D) and lateral (E) view. Abbreviations: arrow showing the direction towards the inside of the U-shaped row of chaetiger 5 spines; an = anterior-row spine from notopodium of chaetiger 5; ch2, ch5 = chaetigers 2 and 5; po = posterior-row spine from notopodium of chaetiger 5; su = dorsal superior capillary chaetae; ve = ventral capillary chaetae. Scale bars: A = 100 µm; B = 20 µm; C–E = 10 µm.";
dc:description"Fig. 7. Adult morphology of Pseudopolydora antennata (Claparède, 1868) (live individuals). A–B. MIMB 40895. C–D. MIMB 40897. E–F. MIMB 40899. A. Anterior end, semi-pressed, dorsal view, showing arrangement of glandular pouches in neuropodia. B. Chaetigers 6–7, semi-squashed, dorsal view, showing double glandular pouches in each neuropodium. C. Middle chaetigers, dorsal view, showing paired gatherings of glandular cells on the dorsum. D–F. Female fertile chaetigers, dorsal view, showing distal parts of paired nephridia opening to a common middorsal nephridiopore on each chaetiger. Abbreviations:ga = gatherings of glandular cells; gl = glandular pouches in neuropodia; ne = nephridia in female fertile chaetigers; oo = oocytes; po = nephridiopore. Scale bars: A = 200 µm; B–F = 100 µm.";
dc:description"Fig. 9. Larval morphology of Pseudopolydora antennata (Claparède, 1868). Live larvae in reflected (A–G) and transmitted (H–K) light. A. 13-chaetiger larva, ventral view. B. 14-chaetiger larva, ventral view. C. The same, dorsal view. D. 14-chaetiger larvae, dorsal view, showing variation in pigmentation. E. 14-chaetiger larva, ventral view. F. 15-chaetiger larva, ventral view. G. The same, dorsal view. H. 14-chaetiger larva, dorsal view. I. The same, ventral view. J. Chaetae of chaetiger 5 of a 15-chaetiger larva. K. Hooded hooks from neuropodium of chaetiger 10 of a 15-chaetiger larva. Abbreviations: su = dorsal superior capillary chaetae; ve = ventral capillary chaetae. Scale bars: A–I = 100 µm; J–K = 20 µm.";