dc:description"Plate II. Figure 1.—Left fore leg of Claosaurus annectens, Marsh; outside view, c, coracoid; h, humerus; r, radius; s, scapula; u, ulna; I. first digit; IV. fourth digit. • Figure 2.—Left hind leg of the same individual; outside view, a, astragalus: c, calcaneum; ƒ femur; ƒ', fibula; il, ilium; is, ischium; p, pubis; p', postpubis; t, tibia. Figures 1 and 2 are one-tweuntieth natural size. Figure 3.—Pelvis of the same individual; seen from the left. One-sixteenth natural size, a, acetabulum; other letters as in figure 2.";
dc:description"Plate III. Figure 1.—Sternal bone of Claosaurus annectens. One-eighth natural size. a, seen from above; b, seen from below. Figure 2.—Left coracoid of Cimolopteryx rarus, Marsh. Natural size, a, front view; b, inuer view; c, back view; cl, lower eud. Figure 3.—Tooth of Palaeoscincus latus, Marsh, a, natural size; b, c, d, twice natural size. Figure 4.—Tooth of Aublysodon mirandus, Leidy. Natural size, a, front view, with sections; b, side view. (After Leidy.) Figure 5.—Tooth of Aublysodon amplus, Marsh. Natural size, a, side view; b, back view; c, front view. Figure 6.—Tooth of Aublysodon cristatus, Marsh. Twice natural size, a, side view; b, back view; c, front view .";
dc:description"Plate IV. Figure 1.—Tooth of Stegosaurus ungulatus, Marsh, a, natural size; b, c, d, twice natural size. Figure 2.—Left fore leg of the same species. Figure 3.—Left hiud leg of the same species. Figures 2 and 3 are one-sixteenth natural size. Letters as in Plate II.";
dc:description"Plate V. Figure 1.—Left hind leg of Laosaurus altus, Marsh; outside view. One-eighth natural size. Figure 2.—Left hiud leg of Camptosaurus dispar, Marsh; outside view. One- twelfth natural size. Figure 3.—Pelvis of the same individual; seen from the left. One-twelfth natural size. Letters as in the precediug plates.";