dc:creator"de Almeida, Rafael F.; de Morais, Isa L.; Alves-Silva, Thais; Antonio-Domingues, Higor; Pellegrini, Marco O. O.";
dc:title"A new classification system and taxonomic synopsis for Malpighiaceae (Malpighiales, Rosids) based on molecular phylogenetics, morphology, palynology, and chemistry";
dc:description"Figure 3. Phyllotaxis, stipules, and petioles of Malpighiaceae A branch with opposite leaves of Bronwenia megaptera B branch with decussate leaves of Verrucularina glaucophylla C branch with alternate leaves of Stigmaphyllon angustilobum D branch with verticillate leaves of Pterandra pyroidea E interpetiolar stipules of Mascagnia cordifolia F epipetiolar stipules of Byrsonima intermedia G free stipules of Hiraea hatschbachii H connate stipules of Peixotoa catarinensis I transverse section of a circular petiole J transverse section of a plane-convex petiole K transverse section of a canaliculate petiole L leaf with very reduced petiole of Byrsonima basiloba M leaf with short petiole of Banisteriopsis adenopoda N leaf with long petiole of Stigmaphyllon caatingicola O alternate glands on the petiole of Banisteriopsis membranifolia P opposite to alternate glands on the petiole of Schwannia mediterranea Q subopposite glands on the petiole of Banisteriopsis membranifolia R discoid and sessile gland of Banisteriopsis laevifolia S cupuliform and stalked glands of Banisteriopsis adenopoda (line drawings and photographs A – C, G, I – K, L – O, Q – S by R. F. Almeida; D by C. Silva, E, F, H, P by M. O. O. Pellegrini).";
dc:description"Figure 4. Leaf blades of Malpighiaceae A leaf with sagittate base of Stigmaphyllon ciliatum B leaf with rounded base of Banisteriopsis adenopoda C leaf with cordate base of Stigmaphyllon blanchetii D leaf with cuneate base of Banisteriopsis vernoniifolia E leaf with obtuse base of Stigmaphyllon paralias F leaf with truncate base of Stigmaphyllon gayanum G leaf with oblique base of Stigmaphyllon lanceolatum H leaf with attenuate base of Acmanthera minima I leaf with entire margin of Stigmaphyllon caatingicola J leaf with 3 - lobed margin of Stigmaphyllon caatingicola K leaf with 5 - lobed margin of Stigmaphyllon angustilobum L leaf with crenate margin of Stigmaphyllon crenatum M leaf with ciliate margin of Stigmaphyllon ciliatum N leaf with dentate margin of Stigmaphyllon vitifolium O leaf with plane blade margin of Banisteriopsis membranifolia P leaf with revolute blade margin of Verrucularina glaucophylla Q rounded leaf apex of Tetrapterys phlomoides R mucronate leaf apex of Banisteriopsis magdalenensis S emarginate leaf apex of Hiraea cuiabensis T cuspidate leaf apex of Banisteriopsis adenopoda U acuminate leaf apex of Mamedea harleyi V acute leaf apex of Banisteriopsis membranifolia (photographs A – D, F, G, I, L, O, P, T – V by R. F. Almeida; E, M by M. O. O. Pellegrini; H by F. Farronay, Q by G. A. Dettke, N by A. C. Dal Col, R by C. Baez, S by I. L. Morais).";
dc:description"Figure 6. Compound inflorescences of Malpighiaceae A thyrse of 1 - flowered cincinni of Byrsonima sericea B corymb of 1 - flowered cincinni of Mascagnia cordifolia C umbel of 1 - flowered cincinni of Banisteriopsis argyrophylla D line drawing of an inflorescence of Stigmaphyllon angustilobum showing 1 - flowered cincinni arranged in umbels (1 st order inflorescence), arranged in dichasia (2 nd order inflorescence), arranged in a thyrse (3 rd order inflorescence) E photograph of the inflorescence branch of Stigmaphyllon angustilobum (photographs B, C by M. O. O. Pellegrini; A, E by R. F. Almeida; line drawing D by K. Souza).";
dc:description"Figure 9. Androecium and gynoecium of Malpighiaceae A stamen of Banisteriopsis multifoliolata showing filament in green, anther in orange, glandular connective in blue, and pollen sacs in yellow B scanning electron micrograph of an anther of Banisteriopsis multifoliolata C SEM of a pollen grain of Banisteriopsis multifoliolata showing colpi in blue and endoaperture in red D heteromorphic stamen ring with 10 fertile stamens of Banisteriopsis multifoliolata E homomorphic stamen ring of Bronwenia megaptera with 10 fertile stamens F heteromorphic stamen ring of Peixotoa hispidula showing 5 fertile stamens and 5 staminodes in yellow G 6 fertile and free stamens of Schwannia hexandra H gynoecium of Banisteriopsis multifoliolata showing ovary in lilac, styles in blue and stigmas in yellow I uncinate apex of styles of Amorimia septentrionalis J truncate style apex of Amorimia rigida K subulate apex of style of Byrsonima sericea L 3 parallel and erect styles of Bronwenia megaptera M single curved style of Schwannia hexandra N 3 divergent styles of Stigmaphyllon blanchetii with foliate apices O 3 erect, slightly curved, and pubescent styles of Diplopterys lutea P 3 divergent styles of Stigmaphyllon lalandianum with reduced foliate apices Q 3 divergent styles of Stigmaphyllon glabrum without foliate apex (all line drawings by K. Souza; SEMs by R. F. Almeida; all scales: 1 mm, except for the pollen grain: 10 µm).";