dc:title"Gyrodactylus jarocho sp. nov. and Gyrodactylus xalapensis sp. nov. (Platyhelminthes: Monogenea) from Mexican poeciliids (Teleostei: Cyprinodontiformes), with comments on the known gyrodactylid fauna infecting poeciliid fish";
dc:description"FIGURES 15 – 29. A size invariant comparison of the marginal hook sickles of two new species of Gyrodactylus with the nine species previously recorded infecting poeciliids. 15. Gyrodactylus milleri Harris & Cable, 2000 (re-examination of the small, common form of marginal hook); 16. Overlay of G. milleri with G. j aroc h o sp. nov. (broken line); 17. Overlay of G. milleri with G. xalapensis sp. nov. (broken line); 18. Gyrodactylus pictae Cable, van Oosterhout, Barson & Harris, 2005 (re-examination); 19. Overlay of G. pictae with G. ja ro c ho sp. nov. (broken line); 20. Overlay of G. pictae with G. xalapensis sp. nov. (broken line); 21. Gyrodactylus poeciliae Harris & Cable, 2000 (re-examination); 22. Overlay of G. poeciliae with G. jaroc h o sp. nov. (broken line); 23. Overlay of G. poeciliae with G. xalapensis sp. nov. (broken line); 24. Gyrodactylus rasini Lucký, 1973 (re-examination); 25. Overlay of G. r a s i n i with G. j a ro c ho sp. nov. (broken line); 26. Overlay of G. rasini with G. xalapensis sp. nov. (broken line); 27. Scanning electron micrograph of Gyrodactylus turnbulli Harris, 1986 from Andrew P. Shinn’s collection (re-examination); 28. Overlay of G. turnbulli with G. j a ro c ho sp. nov. (broken line); 29. Overlay of G. turnbulli with G. xalapensis sp. nov. (broken line). Scale bars = 3 µm.";