dc:title"A taxonomic guide to the fanworms (Sabellidae, Annelida) of Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef, Australia, including new species and new records";
dc:description"FIGURE 22. A – D. Sabellastarte sp. A. Live specimens with radiolar crown exposed outside the tube; B. Dorsal view, showing collar dorsal margins fused to faecal groove forming pockets at either side (white arrow); radiolar lobes with dorsal basal flanges (black arrow); C. Same, lateral view, showing the pigmentation pattern, including the interramal eyespots (white arrow) and the arrangement in a C shape row of inferior abdominal chaetae (black arrows); D. Juvenile showing a different pigmentation pattern to adults; E – F. Sabellomma cupoculata. A. Incomplete specimen, showing pigmentation pattern and rows of ocelli along radiolar margins (arrows); F. Detail of radioles and ocelli (arrows); G – J. Stylomma palmatum, live specimen; G. Anterior end showing the rigid radiolar crown with elongated basal lobes; H. Detail of radiolar tip with unpaired subdistal stalked compound eyes (arrow); I. Anterior abdominal chaetigers, with anterior collar margin incised midventrally and thoracic tori almost in contact with ventral shields; J. Detail of basal lobes, dorsally, showing the flanges joined dorsally with a press stud structure (arrow).";