dc:title"Reinstatement of species belonging Marphysa sanguinea complex (Annelida Eunicidae) and description of new species from the mid-Pacific Ocean and the Adriatic Sea";
dc:description"FIGURE 7. Marphysa parishii Baird, 1869. Holotype BNHM 1972.75A.A.Anterior end, dorsal view; B. Anterior end, ventral view; C. Anterior end, lateral view; D. Maxillary apparatus, dorsal view; E. Left MI-II-III-IV-V, lateral view; F. Mandible; G. Parapodium 3; H. Parapodium 7; I. Parapodium 12; J. Parapodium 211; K. Parapodium 457; L. Thin, isodont narrow, symmetric, with long and slender teeth, chaetiger 21; M. Thcik, pectinate chaetae posterior, chaetiger 457; N. Thick, anodont wide, symmetric, with long and thick teeth, chaetiger 457; O. Thick, isodont wide, asymmetric, with long and thick teeth, chaetiger 457. P. Subacicular hook, chaetiger 211. All chaetigers in anterior view; al-MIII: attachment lamella MIII; al-MIV: attachment lamella MIV; 1. Isodont wide, asymmetric, with short and slender teeth; 2.Anodont wide, symmetric, short and slender teeth. Scale bars: A–C, 4.3 mm; D–E, 1.8 mm; F, 1.2 mm; G–K, 0.2 mm; L–P, 30 µm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 9. Distribution of branchial filaments throughout the body in A. Marphysa americana Monro, 1933 n. status.; B. Marphysa baileybrockae n. sp.; C. Marphysa birgeri n. sp.; D. Marphysa brevibranchiata Treadwell, 1921 n. status.; E. Marphysa californica (Moore, 1909); F. Marphysa leidii de Quatrefages, 1866; G. Marphysa parishii Baird, 1869; H. Marphysa sanguinea (Montagu, 1813).";
dc:description"FIGURE 1. Marphysa americana. Holotype BNHM 1932.12.24.554-556. A. Anterior end, dorsal view; B. Anterior end, ventral view; C. Anterior view, lateral view; D. Maxillary apparatus, dorsal view; E. Left MI-II-III-IV-V, lateral view; F. Mandible; G. Parapodium 3; H. Parapodium 6; I. Parapodium 12; J. Parapodium 247; K. Parapodium 377; L. Compound spinigers, chaetiger 6; M. Thin, isodont narrow, asymmetric, with long and slender teeth, chaetiger 6; N. Thick, isodont wide, symmetric, with short and slender teeth, chaetiger 325; O. Thick, isodont wide, asymmetric, with long and thick teeth, chaetiger 325; P. Thick, anodont wide, asymmetric, with long and thick teeth, chaetiger 377; Q. Subacicular hook, chaetiger 367.All chaetigers in anterior view; al-MIII: attachment lamella MIII; al-MIV: attachment lamella MIV. Scale bars: A–C, 3 mm; D, 1.4 mm; E. 0.9 mm; F. 1.3 mm; G–K, 0.2 mm; L, 0.1 mm; M–Q, 30 µm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 2. Marphysa baileybrockae n. sp. A. Anterior end, dorsal view; B. Anterior end, ventral view; C. Anterior end, lateral view; D. Maxillary apparatus, dorsal view; E. Left MI-II-III-IV-V, lateral view; F. Mandible; G. Parapodium 3; H. Parapodium 8; I. Parapodium 16; J. Parapodium 250; K. Parapodium 308; L. Thin, isodont narrow, symmetric, with short and slender teeth, chaetiger 8; M. Thick, anodont wide, symmetric, with long and thick teeth, chaetiger 295; N. Thick, isodont wide, symmetric, with long and slender teeth, chaetiger 358; O. Compound spinigers, chaetiger 8; P. Subacicular hook unidentate, chaetiger 122; Q. Subacicular hook bidentate, chaetiger 152. A–O from holotype USNM 5444, P–Q from paratype AMNH 367. All chaetigers in anterior view; al-MIII: attachment lamella MIII; al-MIV: attachment lamella MIV. Scale bars: A–C, 2.9 mm; D–E, 1 mm; F, 0.8 mm; G–K, 0.1 mm; L–Q, 30 µm.";