dc:description"Figure 79. Vegetative morphology of Sclerolobieae A Moldenhawera nutans L. P. Queiroz, G. P. Lewis & Allkin shrubby individual in a Restinga sand dune field B Diptychandra aurantiaca (Mart.) Tul. tree in a Caatinga seasonally dry setting C Arapatiella psilophylla (Harms) R. S. Cowan flowering tree D Tachigali amplifolia (Ducke) Barneby large, buttressed tree E Jacqueshuberia purpurea Ducke pinnate stipule F leaf G detail of a leaf H Tachigali rugosa (Mart. ex Benth.) Zarucchi & Pipoly leaf with characteristic inversely symmetrical leaflets I, J Tachigali sp. details of leaf domatia K, L variation in stipule shape. Photo credits A, C, E-L D Cardoso B RT Queiroz https: // rubens-plantasdobrasil. blogspot. com / D I Huamantupa.";
dc:description"Figure 80. Floral morphology of Sclerolobieae A Moldenhawera lushnathiana Yakovlev highly branched inflorescence B Moldenhawera nutans L. P. Queiroz, G. P. Lewis & Allkin flowering branch, showing the typical navicular leaves with rust-coloured leaflet abaxial surface C flowers D Diptychandra aurantiaca (Mart.) Tul. flowering branch E inflorescence F Arapatiella psilophylla (Harms) R. S. Cowan inflorescences G flowers H Jacqueshuberia purpurea Ducke flower I Tachigali macrostachya Huber candelabrum-like inflorescences J Tachigali amarumayu Huamantupa, H. C. Lima & D. B. O. S. Cardoso densely paniculate inflorescences K Tachigali paraensis (Huber) Barneby radially symmetrical flowers L Tachigali paniculata Aubl. bilaterally symmetrical flowers M Tachigali macrostachya bilaterally symmetrical flowers. Photo credits A LP Queiroz B, C, F, G, I, K-M D Cardoso J I Huamantupa D, E RT Queiroz https: // rubens-plantasdobrasil. blogspot. com / H M Cohn-Haft.";
dc:description"Figure 81. Fruit morphology of Sclerolobieae A Moldenhawera polysperma (Vell.) Stellfeld old fruit valves B Diptychandra aurantiaca (Mart.) Tul. fruits C fruit opened showing the characteristic winged seed D Arapatiella psilophylla (Harms) R. S. Cowan immature fruit E Jacqueshuberia purpurea Ducke immature fruits F Tachigali macrostachya Huber immature fruits G Tachigali rugosa (Mart. ex Benth.) Zarucchi & Pipoly mature fruits. Photo credits A C Vivas B, C RT Queiroz https: // rubens-plantasdobrasil. blogspot. com / D-F D Cardoso G LP Queiroz.";
dc:description"Figure 84. Distribution of Arapatiella based on quality-controlled digitised herbarium records. See Suppl. material 1 for the source of occurrence data.";