dc:title"Abelisauridae (Dinosauria: Theropoda) from the Late Jurassic of Portugal and dentition-based phylogeny as a contribution for the identification of isolated theropod teeth";
dc:description"FIGURE 7. Plots of MAVG versus DAVG of ML 962, ML 327, ML 966 and 19 theropod taxa comprising the data set. For reasons of clarity, only taxa with serration of less than 20 denticles were considered.";
dc:description"FIGURE 6. Plots of CHR versus DAVG of ML 962, ML 327, ML 966 and 21 theropod taxa comprising the data set. For reasons of clarity, only taxa with serration of less than 20 denticles were considered.";
dc:description"FIGURE 5. Plots of CBR versus CHR of ML 962, ML 327, ML 966 and 23 theropod taxa comprising the data set. For reasons of clarity, only taxa with CBR of less than 1 were considered.";
dc:description"FIGURE 8. Plots of CBR versus DAVG of ML 962, ML 327, ML 966 and 21 theropod taxa comprising the data set. For reasons of clarity, only taxa with serration of less than 22 denticles were considered.";
dc:description"FIGURE 1. Strict consensus cladogram of seven most parsimonious trees recovered from analysis of dentition based characters. Initial analysis was a New Technology Search using TNT v.1.1 of a data matrix comprising 141 dentition-based characters for one outgroup (Eoraptor), 59 nonavian theropod taxa, as well as ML 327, ML 939, ML 962 and ML 966. Tree length = 703 steps; CI = 0.331; RI = 0.564. Bremer support values are in bold and bootstrap values are in italic. For silhouette attribution, see Appendix.";
dc:description"FIGURE 2. Strict consensus cladogram of 49 most parsimonious trees recovered from analysis of a supermatrix of 1972 discrete characters after the deletion of the two wildcard taxa Erectopus and Piatnitzkysaurus. The supermatrix includes a dentition-based datamatrix of 141 discrete characters and six recent datasets based on whole theropod skeleton (Xu et al. 2009; Brusatte et al. 2010; Martinez et al. 2011; Senter 2011; Pol and Rauhut 2012; Carrano et al. 2012). Initial analysis was a New Technology Search using TNT v.1.1 for one outgroup (Eoraptor), 57 non-avian theropod taxa and ML 327, ML 966, ML 939 (coded as lateral teeth), and ML 962 (coded as a mesialmost tooth). Tree length = 3552 steps; CI = 0.563; RI = 0.628. For silhouette attribution, see Appendix.";