dc:description"Fig. 9. Stylophyllopsis sp. A, IPUM−Sic.12. A. Lateral view showing position of B and C sections (arrows). B, D. Transverse thin section of proximal portions ofcorallum(arrowspointtoS1–2on B).Enlargedfragmentofseptum(D)showsnarrow“mid−septal”zone(arrow). C, E.Transversethinsectionsofdistalportion of corallum. Enlarged septal fragment (E) shows embedded septal spines (arrow). Specimen from Sinemurian Black Limestones, Longi, Sicily.";
dc:description"Fig. 10. A. Stylophyllopsis sp. A, lateral view of IPUM−Sic.8 (A1), and transverse thin section (A2) showing septal spine (structure beween two, white arrows) with numerous, small−sized structures “calcification centers” (black arrows). Sinemurian Black Limestones, Longi, Sicily. B. Retiophyllia norica (Frech, 1890), GBA 1982/12/113 in transverse thin section (B1); B2, small−sized calcification centers of zigzag mid−septal zone (arrow) and lateral thick stereome in enlarged part of septum. Triassic, Rhaetian. Fischerwiese, Northern Calcareous Alps, Austria.";
dc:description"Fig. 1. A. Schematic map of Sicily (Italy) showing geographic position of outcrops with Early Jurassic scleractinians (asterisk). B. Part of geological map of area near Longi village showing position of Sinemurian Black Limestones (asterisk on white bar that indicates geological section showed onC). C.Geologicalsectionshowingstratasampledforcorals(asterisk).B, C after Lentini 1973.";
dc:description"Fig.2. Haimeicyclus haimei (ChapuisandDewalque,1853). A.IPUM−Sic.92a,bwithtwocalicesindistal(A1)andproximal−lateral(A2)views.Calicesareseparatedbyepithecalwalls(arrowinA1)andresultedfromgrowthoftwojuvenilesattachedtocommonsubstrate.B.DistalviewofIPUM−Sic.82.TwelveS1–2arrowed. C. Distal view of IPUM−Sic.40 with uppermost part of calice disintegrated into 3 (arrows) independent calicular regions (“rejuvenescence”), and overgrown by serpulid tubes (lower part of picture). D. IPUM−Sic.80 with two calices (D1, distal view) resulted from regeneration of parental calice (D2, basal view). IncontrasttoIPUM−Sic.92a,b(A1,A2),highercycleseptaincontactzonebetweencalicesofIPUM−Sic.80arecommonforbothcalices.E.IPUM−Sic.89indistal (E1), and proximal views (E2, note rhomboidal shape of imprinted substatum); E3, enlargement of corallum edge. F. The largest specimen IPUM−Sic.75. G. Corallum IPUM−Sic.45 with two distinct “rejuvenescence” constrictions (arrows). All from Sinemurian Black Limestones, Longi, Sicily.";
dc:description"Fig. 7. Stylophyllopsis sp. cf. S. rugosa (Duncan and Wright, 1867), IPUM−Sic.5 with abraded surface (epitheca not preserved). A. Transverse section (enlarged part on B, E) C, D. Distal (C) and lateral (D) views of corallum (arrows mark sectioned region). B, E. Transverse section. Note septal spines (s) with radiating darker structures (arrows on E). Specimen from Sinemurian Black Limestones, Longi, Sicily.";