dc:description"FIGURE 10. A. Pseudopomatias prestoni n. sp., holotype, NHMUK 20130423.1; B. P. prestoni n. sp., Indien, NHMW 109194; C. P. siyomensis Godwin-Austen, 1917, holotype, NHMUK 3406.03.7.1; D. P. himalayae, Himalaya, Darjiling, NHMUK 1860.; E. P. himalayae, syntype, UMZC 102695; F. P. peguensis (Theobald, 1864), Pegu, Burmah, NMW. 1894.015; G. P. shanensis n. sp. holotype, NHMUK 1903.7.1.1631.1; H. P. reischuetzi n. sp., holotype, NHMUK 1903.7. 1.1549. 1. Photos: A, C – D, G – H: H. Taylor; B: J. Harl; E: J. Gundry; F: B. Rowson. Scale bars = 5 mm; the smaller one refers to the photos of the whole shell, the larger one refers to the photos showing the lateral and basal side of the shells.";
dc:description"FIGURE 11. Distribution of Pseudopomatias species. Filled circle: P. pe g ue ns i s (Theobald, 1864); open triangle, top up: P. nitens n. sp.; open circle: P. amoenus Möllendorff 1885 s. l.; empty square: P. e o s Pilsbry & Hirase 1905; script \" Shan States \": Pseudopomatias shanensis n. sp. The meaning of the numbers: 1: Sandoway, 2: Pegu, 3: locality of P. amoenus near Jiuxiang Fengjingqu, 4: locality of P. amoenus near Kongshan Cun, 5: Northern Vietnamese and Chinese localities of P. amoenus and P. nitens n. sp., 6: Mau Son, That Khé and the new localities of \" typical fulvus \" (= P. amoenus), 7: Xuan Son National Park; 8: Cuc Phuong National Park, 9: Chengkou (type locality of Fargesia cornea), 10: locality near Mufu Cun (new locality of typical P. amoenus), 11: Badong (type locality of P. amoenus), 12: Changyang (locality of P. nitens n. sp.), 13: Hengshan (possible position of the type locality of P. amoenus var. tumidula), 14: Guiyan Xian (possible position of the type locality of P. amoenus var. tumidula), 15: Nanling Guojia (see Hu et al. 2004).";