dc:description"FIGURES 98–105. Procloeon (Securiops) mutadens. 98–99, left and right mandibles; 100, labrum; 101, maxilla; 102, larval cuticle of metanotum with vestige of hind protopteron; 103, abdominal tergum V; 104, abdominal sternum V; 105, caudalii. Abbreviation: sc, scales and scale sockets.";
dc:description"FIGURES 40–46. Procloeon (Securiops) falcatum, labium. 40, integral labium; 41–46, parts of exuviae: 41, glossae and paraglossae, ventral view; 42, half of labium of another individual (ventral setae of glossae directed distally); 43, the same individual, with ventral setae of glossae directed proximally; 44, distal segments of labial palp; 45–46, enlarged glossae in ventral and dorsal view (ventral setae directed distally). Abbreviations: m2-3, muscle going from 2nd palpomere to base of 3rd palpomere; pm1, pm2, pm3, 1st–3rd palpomeres; s.d, dorsal setae of glossae; s.v, ventral setae of glossa.";
dc:description"FIGURES 47–52. Procloeon (Securiops) falcatum, larva. 47, articulation of femur and tibia of fore leg, dorsal view; 48, the same, compressed to show junction of patella-tibial suture with row of fine hairs; 49, fragment of tarsus; 50, claw; 51, abdominal tergum X and margin of tergum IX; 52, abdominal tergum X and paraprocts.";
dc:description"FIGURES 1–24. Right tergalii of Securiops with dorsal lamella turned out. 1–7, Procloeon (Securiops) falcatum, tergalii I–VII; 8–17, two individuals of P. (S.) macafertiorum: 8–11, tergalii I–II and V–VII; 12–16, tergalii I–V; 17, the same individual, margins of abdominal segments VII–IX with tergalius VII in natural position; 18–24, P. (S.) primasia, tergalii I–VII.";
dc:description"FIGURES 53–58. Procloeon (Securiops) falcatum, exuviae of larval abdomen. 53–56, terga II, III, IV and IX; 57, sternum IV; 58, constant bifurcate seta on sublateral part of sternum VIII.";
dc:description"FIGURES 70–76. Procloeon (Securiops) macafertiorum. 70, subimaginal exuviae: apex of tibia and base of tarsus of fore leg of male; 71–76, larval exuviae: 71, caudalii; 72, fragment of cercus; 73, fragment of fore tarsus; 74, abdominal tergum IV; 75, abdominal sternum V; 76, abdominal tergum X, paraproct and margin of tergum IX.";
dc:description"FIGURES 120–125. Procloeon (Securiops) primasia, larval exuviae. 120, base of tibia of fore leg, with focus on dorsal side; 121, the same with focus on ventral side; 122, abdominal tergum V; 123, abdominal sternum VIII; 124, cercus and paracercus; 125, portion of cercus.";
dc:description"FIGURES 77–87. Procloeon (Securiops) macafertiorum. 77, 78, male imagines; 79, female imago; 80–87, parts of male imago and subimago reared from larva: 80–81, head and thorax; 82, abdomen; 83, hind wing; 84, subimaginal exuviae of thoracic pleura; 85, subimaginal exuviae of half of mesonotum; 86–87, fore and hind legs. Abbreviations: cx2, cx3, coxae of middle and hind legs; lpnc, lateropostnotal crest; mtpl, pleurite of metathorax; pls, pleural suture; psa, postsubalar sclerite.";
dc:description"FIGURES 59–65. Procloeon (Securiops) falcatum. 59–60, parts of male subimago extracted from larva: 59, abdomen; 60, genitalia; 61–64, young male subimago: 61, abdomen; 62, genitalia; 63, fore femur; 64, hind wing (partly crumpled); 65, genitalia of male imago (after Crass 1947). Abbreviations: gs1, gs2, gs3, 1st–3rd segments of gonostylus; pb, median projection of penial bridge; usg, unistyliger.";
dc:description"FIGURES 88–91. Procloeon (Securiops) macafertiorum. 88, genitalia of male imago reared from larva; 89, its subimaginal exuviae; 90, genitalia of another specimen, ventral view; 91, the same, with focus on penis.";
dc:description"FIGURES 137–142. Procloeon (Securiops) primasia. 137–141, genitalia of male imagines: 137, ventral view; 138, lateral view, right gonostylus and styliger removed; 139, lateral view of penis; 140, apex of penis with focus on its dorsal margin; 141, the same penis with focus on ventral side; 142, subimaginal exuviae of genitalia.";