dc:description"Figure 35. Flowers of Caesalpinieae A Tara spinosa Britton & Rose, Peru, Ancash (Hughes et al. 3043) B Cenostigma pluviosum (DC.) Gagnon & G. P. Lewis var. pluviosum, Bolivia, Santa Cruz (Wood et al. 26552) C Caesalpinia bahamensis Lam., Cuba (Lewis 1853) D Hultholia mimosoides (Lam.) Gagnon & G. P. Lewis, India E Pomaria burchellii (DC.) B. B. Simpson & G. P. Lewis, Botswana Ghanzi district F Erythrostemon coccineus (G. P. Lewis & J. L. Contr.) Gagnon & G. P. Lewis, Mexico, Oaxaca (Lewis et al. 1802) G Caesalpinia pulcherrima (L.) Sw., Honduras H Erythrostemon melanadenius (Rose) Gagnon & G. P. Lewis, Mexico, Oaxaca (Hughes et al. 2091) I Pterolobium stellatum (Forssk.) Brenan, Africa J Guilandina bonduc L., India K Gelrebia trothaei (Harms) Gagnon & G. P. Lewis, Tanzania. Photo credits A E Gagnon B, F-H CE Hughes C GP Lewis D VR Vinayaraj, India Biodiversity Portal (https: // indiabiodiversity. org / group / wild _ orchids _ of _ india / observation / show / 335155), the basionym of Hultholia mimosoides E O Bourquin, Flora of Zimbabwe (https: // www. zimbabweflora. co. zw / speciesdata / image-display. php? species _ id = 127200 & image _ id = 6) I P Van Wyk J M Sanjappa K PJ Cribb.";
dc:description"Figure 37. Fruits of the Caesalpinieae A Gelrebia rubra (Engl.) Gagnon & G. P. Lewis, Namibia B Moullava spicata (Dalzell ex Wight) Nicolson, India, Maharashtra C Hultholia mimosoides (Lam.) Gagnon & G. P. Lewis, India D Guilandina bonduc L., Madagascar E Pterolobium stellatum (Forssk.) Brenan, Zimbabwe F Ticanto sinensis (Hemsley) R. Clark & Gagnon, China (Clark 415) G Biancaea decapetala (Roth) O. Deg., Peru, Ancash (Hughes et al. 2227) H Mezoneuron kauaiense (H. Mann) Hillebr. I Mezoneuron andamanicum Prain, Thailand (Clark 251). Photo credits A Dave U, iNaturalist (https: // www. inaturalist. org / photos / 41085094) B P Awale, Flowers of India (http: // www. flowersofindia. net /) C VR Vinayaraj, India Biodiversity Portal (https: // indiabiodiversity. org / observation / show / 335158), the basionym of Hultholia mimosoides D GP Lewis E BT Wursten, Flora of Zimbabwe (https: // www. zimbabweflora. co. zw / speciesdata / image-display. php? species _ id = 127190 & image _ id = 1) F, I P Suksathan G CE Hughes H D Eickhoff, https: // www. flickr. com / photos / dweickhoff / 4822012867 / in / photostream /.";
dc:description"Figure 60. Distribution of Hultholia based on quality-controlled digitised herbarium records. See Suppl. material 1 for the source of occurrence data.";