dc:description"Figure 7. Typical Trilobatus immaturus and intergradation with Trilobatus quadrilobatus. A–K, Trilobatus immaturus (LeRoy, 1939); L–N, Trilobatus quadrilobatus (d’Orbigny, 1846). A–C, I–K, ODP Site 926, Ceara Rise, western tropical Atlantic, 11H/04/ 50–52 cm (A, B, umbilical view; C, detail wall texture and infilled pores; I, spiral view; J, detail of final chamber wall texture; compare with K, detail of penultimate chamber where primary wall texture is obscured by thick gametogenic calcite); D–H, GLOW- 3, south-west Indian Ocean (D, detail of wall texture and imperforate lip on first supplementary aperture; E, H, umbilical view; F, G, spiral view). L–N, GLOW-3, south-west Indian Ocean (L, spiral view; M, umbilical view; N, detail of wall texture including clear spine holes). Scale bars = 100Lm, except for close-up images C, D, J, K, N, where scale bars = 20 Lm.";
dc:description"Figure 10. Incipient protuberance development in Pleistocene to modern Trilobatus sacculifer. A–L, GLOW-3, south-west Indian Ocean (A, D, F, J, spiral view; B, E, G, K, umbilical view), in B note lobate sac-like chamber, in E note thin final sac-like chamber with different wall texture appearance relative to rest of test; C; detail of wall texture including spine holes; H, detail of two incipient protuberances; I, contrasting wall texture appearance in thinner final sac-like chamber with smooth topography, and penultimate chamber with well-developed sacculifer-like texture and spine holes; L, detail of wall texture showing raised spine bases); M, Barbados, Caribbean Sea, specimen cultured after plankton net collection (umbilical view; reproduced from Brummer et al. 1987, pl. 1, fig. 14); N, Barbados, Caribbean Sea, specimen cultured after SCUBA dive collection (umbilical view; reproduced from B́e et al. 1982, fig. 12); O, P, Barbados, Caribbean Sea, specimens cultured after SCUBA dive collection (umbilical view; note multiple incipient protuberances; reproduced from of Hemleben et al. 1987, pl. 2, figs 11, 12). Scale bars = 100 Lm, except close-up images (I–L) where scale bars = 20Lm.";
dc:description"Figure 9. Morphological variation in the final sac-like chamber(s) of Trilobatus sacculifer (Brady, 1877). A–G, I, ODP Site 1115, Woodlark Basin, western Pacific; 11H/04/25–27 cm (A, B, I, spiral view, in A note elongated sac-like chamber; C–G, umbilical view, in D note kummerform sac-like chamber, in F note large, asymmetrical aperture with surrounding imperforate area); H, J–P, ODP Site 871, Limalok Guyot, Marshall Islands, equatorial Pacific 3H/03/60–62cm (H, J–N umbilical view, in J note lobate sac-like chamber, in K note kummerform sac-like chamber, in L–N note two sac-like chambers; O, P, spiral view; note three sac-like chambers); Q, R, GLOW-3, south-west Indian Ocean (cross sectional view of wall, showing relict spines embedded within wall and chamber layers). Scale bars: A–P = 100 Lm; Q, R = 20 Lm.";
dc:description"Figure 11. Trilobatus sacculifer with incipient protuberances and intergradation with Globigerinoidesella fistulosa. A–J, Trilobatus sacculifer (Brady, 1877); K–P, Globigerinoidesella fistulosa (Schubert, 1910). A–J, ODP Site 1115, Woodlark Basin, western Pacific; 10H/04/127–129cm (A, D, J, umbilical view, in A note kummerform final sac-like chamber; B, C, H, I, spiral view, in B note kummerform final sac-like chamber); E–G, ODP Site 1115, Woodlark Basin, western Pacific; 11H/04/25–27cm (E, umbilical view; F, G, spiral view). K, L, O, P, ODP Site 1115, Woodlark Basin, western Pacific; 10H/04/127–129 cm (K, spiral view; L, umbilical view; note multiple small protuberances and broad flattened final chamber; O, P, umbilical view); M, N, ODP Site 1115, Woodlark Basin, western Pacific; 11H/04/25–27 cm (umbilical view). Scale bars = 100 Lm.";