dc:creator"D’Archino, Roberta; Zuccarello, Giuseppe C.";
dc:title"Two red macroalgae newly introduced into New Zealand: Pachymeniopsis lanceolata (K. Okamura) Y. Yamada ex S. Kawabata and Fushitsunagia catenata Filloramo et G. W. Saunders";
dc:description"Figures 3–16: Pachymeniopsis lanceolata. Habit, vegetative and reproductive morphology. (3–10) Morphological variation of samples collected in Lyttelton (WELT A034375–A034381) and Taranaki (WELT A034374) (Figure 6). Scale bar = 2 cm. (11) Cross-section through a young blade showing the thin anticlinal cortex and a lax medulla composed of sparse periclinal filaments (WELT A034376). Scale bar = 20 μm. (12) Cross-section through a mature blade showing a thick cortex and a medulla composed of densely aggregated filaments (WELT A034380). Scale bar = 20 μm. (13) Tetrasporangia (arrows) borne in and dislodged from the cortex (WELT A034377). Scale bar = 20 μm. (14) A carpogonial branch ampulla. Arrow shows trichogyne (WELT A034381). Scale bar = 20 μm. (15) An auxiliary cell ampulla. Arrow shows auxiliary cell (WELT A034381). Scale bar = 20 μm. (16) mature carposporophytes, the distal globular consolidated gonimolobes borne aloft on a columnar fusion cell into the central cystocarp chamber (WELT A034380). Scale bar = 20 µm.";