dc:title"Refining the phylogeny and taxonomy of the apple tribe Maleae (Rosaceae): insights from phylogenomic analyses of 563 plastomes and a taxonomic synopsis of Photinia and its allies in the Old World";
dc:description"Figure 2. Phylogenetic tree of the apple tribe Maleae estimated by Maximum Likelihood (ML) algorithm using RAxML, based on a concatenated 426 single-copy nuclear genes (SCN genes) supermatrix A inset in the upper left corner B a segment of the RAxML tree focusing on Photinia and its allies, inferred from concatenated 78 plastid coding sequences (plastid CDSs). (Adapted from Jin et al. (2023)) C Photinia serratifolia (Zhejiang, China: Bin-Bin Liu) D Stranvaesia lasiogyna (Yunnan, China: Bin-Bin Liu) E Weniomeles bodinieri (Yunnan, China: Bin-Bin Liu) F Pourthiaea magnoliifolia (Zhejiang, China: Bin-Bin Liu).";
dc:description"Figure 10. Comprehensive structural anatomy of Weniomeles bodinieri. A branch of the inflorescence B flowers C, D comparative top view of a single flower in both unopened and opened states E bottom perspective of an individual flower F longitudinal section through the ovary G stamens H cross-section through the ovary I detailed view of the pistil J dissected flower, illustrating internal structure K branch of the infructescence L cross-section of a young fruit M top view of a developing fruit N mature fruits O longitudinal-section through a mature fruit P cross-section through a mature fruit Q cross-section through a mature seed R a fully matured seed. The inflorescence branches were collected on June 14, 2022, and the infructescence branches were gathered on December 15, 2023, by Bin-Jie Ge at the Chenshan Botanical Garden, Shanghai. Additionally, Bin-Jie Ge dissected and photographed all the samples.";