dc:creator"Cárdenas, Paco; Menegola, Carla; Rapp, Hans Tore; Díaz, Maria Cristina";
dc:title"Morphological description and DNA barcodes of shallow-water Tetractinellida (Porifera: Demospongiae) from Bocas del Toro, Panama, with description of a new species";
dc:description"FIGURE 16. Geodia papyracea (Hechtel, 1965) [UMPCW 921]: A. Specimen in situ, growing on a mangrove root, arrow points to the oscule plate with uniporal oscules (Picture: Scott Nichols). Scale: 3 cm; B. Cross – section showing the skeletal architecture: cortex and choanosome. Note the confused arrangement of the megascleres in the choanosome. Scale: 1 mm; C. Sterraster, with an acanthostrongylaster by the warty hilum. Scale: 20 µm; D. Star – shaped warty rosettes from a sterraster surface. Scale: 4 µm; E. Acanthoxyaster I and acanthostrongylasters. Scale: 4 µm; F. Acanthoxyaster II. Scale: 4 µm; G. Acanthostrongylasters. Scale: 2 µm; G. papyracea [YPM 5045, holotype]: H. Warty rosettes and hilum from a sterraster surface. Scale: 4 µm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 14. Geodia gibberosa Lamarck, 1815: A. Large specimen hanging at the tip of a mangrove root. It is overgrown by the purple sponge Chalinula molibta, algae and oysters. Scale: 6 cm; B. Specimen with characteristic tumulose shape; C. Close up of oscular plates of an overgrown specimen in situ. Each oscule is uniporal. Scale: 4 cm; G. gibberosa: [ZMBN 81780]: D. Close up of the cribriporal pores. Scale: 1 mm; E. Cross – section showing the skeletal architecture: cortex and choanosome. Note the radial arrangement of the triaenes right under the cortex. Scale: 1 mm; F. Cross – section of a uniporal oscule. mx: cortical microxeas. s: sphincter. plgt: plagiotriaene. Scale: 0.5 mm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 15. Geodia gibberosa Lamarck, 1815 [ZMBN 81780]: A. Plagiotriaene and sterrasters. Scale: 200 µm; B. Anatriaene cladome. Scale: 20 µm; C. Sterraster. Scale: 20 µm; D. Star – shaped smooth rosettes and hilum from a sterraster surface. Scale: 4 µm; E. Acanthoxyaster I. Scale: 4 µm; F. Acanthoxyaster II. Scale: 2 µm; G. Acanthoxyasters III. Scale: 2 µm; G. gibberosa [MNHN DT – 608, holotype]: H. Smooth rosettes and hilum from a sterraster surface. Scale: 4 µm.";