dc:description"Figs 15–24. Genitalia of species of Landouria from Java. 15. L. winteriana (Pfeiffer, 1842), West Java, Padalarang, Gunung Masigit (neotype, ZMA 376193a). 16. L. rotatoria (Pfeiffer, 1842), West Java, Gunung Salak, 1166 m a.s.l. (neotype, MZB 19205). 17. L. epiplatia (Möllendorff, 1897)?, West Java, Bogor, Gunung Gede (ZMH 79946). 18. L. nusakambangensis sp. nov., Central Java, Nusa Kambangan Island, nature monument Gligir (holotype, ZMA 412298a). 19. L. petrukensis sp. nov., Central Java, Karangbolong, way to Petruk Cave (holotype, MZB 19203). 20. L. tholiformis sp. nov., Yogyakarta, Gunung Kidul, Tepus, near Poktunggal Beach (holotype, MZB 17999). 21. L. abdidalem sp. nov., Yogyakarta, Kulonprogo, Sabrang Kidul (holotype, MZB 17664). 22. L. madurensis sp. nov., East Java, Madura Island, Sampang, Nepa Monkey lowland rainforest (paratype, MZB 19209). 23. L. sewuensis sp. nov., Yogyakarta, Gunung Kidul, Tepus, Mbajo Hill (holotype, MZB 19255). 24. L. sukoliloensis sp. nov., Central Java, Kayen, near Watu Payung (holotype, MZB 19219). Scale bars: 1 mm.";
dc:description"Figs 29–47. Flagella of species of Landouria from Java. 29. L. winteriana (Pfeiffer, 1842), West Java, Padalarang, Gunung Masigit (neotype, ZMA 376193a). 30. L. rotatoria (Pfeiffer, 1842), West Java, Gunung Salak, 1166 m a.s.l. (neotype, MZB 19205). 31. L. epiplatia (Möllendorff, 1897)?, West Java, Bogor, Gunung Gede (ZMH 79946). 32. L. nusakambangensis sp. nov., Central Java, Nusa Kambangan Island, nature monument Gligir (holotype, ZMA 412298a). 33. L. petrukensis sp. nov., Central Java, Karangbolong, way to Petruk Cave (holotype, MZB 19203). 34. L. tholiformis sp. nov., Yogyakarta, Gunung Kidul, Tepus, near Poktunggal Beach (holotype, MZB 17999). 35. L. abdidalem sp. nov., Yogyakarta, Kulonprogo, Sabrang Kidul (holotype, MZB 17664). 36. L. madurensis sp. nov., East Java, Madura Island, Sampang, Nepa Monkey lowland rainforest (paratype, MZB 19209). 37. L. sewuensis sp. nov., Yogyakarta, Gunung Kidul, Tepus, Mbajo Hill (holotype, MZB 19255). 38. L. sukoliloensis sp. nov., Central Java, Kayen, near Watu Payung (holotype, MZB 19219). 39. L. tonywhitteni sp. nov., Central Java, Taruman Village, near Sendang Sedayu (holotype, MZB 19214). 40. L. nodifera sp. nov., Central Java, Larangan Village, Lanang Spring (holotype, MZB 19227). 41. L. pacitanensis sp. nov., East Java, Pacitan, near Srau Beach (MZB 19231). 42. L. intumescens (Martens, 1867), East Java, Guwoterus (MZB 19207). 43. L. smimensis (Mousson, 1848), East Java, Tosari (ZMA 390881). 44. L. zonifera sp. nov., Yogyakarta, Kulonprogo, Sibolong (holotype, MZB 17727). 45. L. ciliocincta (Möllendorff, 1897), East Java, Malang, Kondangmerak (MZB 19211). 46. L. pakidulan sp. nov., Central Java, Nusa Kambangan Island, nature monument Gligir (holotype, ZMA 417011a). 47. L. menorehensis sp. nov., Yogyakarta, Kulonprogo, Sibolong (holotype, MZB 19201). Scale bar: 1 mm.";
dc:description"Figs 52–55 (opposite page). Distribution of species of Landouria in Java (10′ grid). 52. L. winteriana (Pfeiffer, 1842), L. naggsi sp. nov., L. nusakambangensis sp. nov., L. petrukensis sp. nov., L. tholiformis sp. nov., L. tonywhitteni sp. nov., L. smimensis (Mousson, 1848). 53. L. conoidea (Leschke, 1914), L. abdidalem sp. nov., L. sewuensis sp. nov., L. sukoliloensis sp. nov., L. pacitanensis sp. nov., L. intumescens (Martens, 1867), L. madurensis sp. nov. 54. L. rotatoria (Pfeiffer, 1842), L. nodifera sp. nov., L. parahyangensis sp. nov., L. schepmani (Möllendorff, 1897), L. zonifera sp. nov., L. ciliocincta (Möllendorff, 1897), L. pakidulan sp. nov. 55. L. epiplatia (Möllendorff, 1897), L. monticola van Benthem Jutting, 1950, L. davini Dharma, 2015, L. menorehensis sp. nov., L. dharmai sp. nov., L. moussoniana (Martens, 1867).";
dc:description"Figs 56–59 (opposite page). Shells of species of Landouria from Java. 56. L. abdidalem sp. nov., Yogyakarta, Kulonprogo, Sabrang Kidul (holotype, MZB 17664). 57. L. madurensis sp. nov., East Java, Madura Island, Sampang, Nepa Monkey lowland rainforest (holotype MZB 21432). 58. L. sewuensis sp. nov., Yogyakarta, Gunung Kidul, Tepus, Mbajo Hill (holotype, MZB 19255). 59. L. sukoliloensis sp. nov., Central Java, Kayen, near Watu Payung (holotype, MZB 19219). Scale bar: 5 mm.";
dc:description"Figs 72–75. Shells of species of Landouria from Java. 72. L. intumescens (Martens, 1867), East Java, Surabaya (lectotype, ZMB 5160a). 73. L. intumescens, East Java, Guwoterus (MZB 19207). 74. L. intumescens?, East Java, Wonosari (paralectotype, ZMB 230704). 75. L. moussoniana (Martens, 1867), East Java, Wonosari (syntype, ZMB 109902). Scale bar: 5 mm.";