dc:description"FIGURE 1. Comparative external anatomy of Edwardsiidae from southern and central California. Scale bar = 5 mm. A. Edwardsia californica (McMurrich, 1913). B. Edwardsia handi sp. nov. C. Edwardsia juliae sp. nov. D. Edwardsia mcmurrichi sp. nov. E. Edwardsia olguini sp. nov. F. Edwardsia profunda sp. nov. G. Paraedwardsia heia sp. nov. H. Scolanthus scamiti sp. nov. I. Scolanthus triangulus sp. nov.";
dc:description"FIGURE 4. Edwardsia handi sp. nov. A. External anatomy, holotype CAS 175201. Scale bar = 3 mm. B. Detail of Fig. 4 A, showing nemathybomes on scapus. C. Cross section of scapus showing nemathybome, CAS 175205. Scale bar = 150 μm. D. Cross section of parietal muscle, CAS 175205. Scale bar = 200 μm. E. Cross section of retractor muscle, CAS 175205. Scale bar = 200 μm. F. Longitudinal section through aboral end, CAS 175205. Black arrow indicates junction between scapus and physa. Scale bar = 500 m. G – M, Cnidae. Scale bar in M = 20 μm, applies to all capsules unless otherwise indicated. G. Spirocyst. H. Large basitrich of tentacle. I. Exploded pterotrich of nemathybome. Scale bar = 10 μm. J. Large basitrich of filament. Cnidae of similar size and morphology found in actinopharynx. K. Small basitrich of actinopharynx. Cnidae of similar size and morphology found in filaments. L. Large basitrich of actinopharynx. Cnidae of similar size and morphology found in filaments. M. Pterotrich of nemathybome. N. Pterotrichs in situ in nemathybome. Scale bar = 100 μm.";