dc:title"Diversity of fungi associated with Monochamus alternatus larval habitats in Bursaphelenchus xylophilus - infected Pinus massoniana and identification of two new ophiostomatalean species (Ascomycota, Ophiostomatales)";
dc:description"Figure 1. ML tree of the ITS region of Ophiostoma, Sporothrix, Graphilbum, Ceratocystiopsis. Bootstrap values of ML / MP ≥ 70 % are recorded at nodes as ML / MP and bold branches indicate posterior probability values ≥ 0.9. ML and MP, Bootstrap values <70 % are indicated by the symbol *. The tree is drawn to scale (see bar) with branch length measured in the number of substitutions per site. Strains representing ex-type sequences are marked with \" T. \" ML, Maximum Likelihood; MP, Maximum Parsimony; BI, Bayesian Inference and the final alignment of 734 positions, including gaps.";
dc:description"Figure 5. ML tree of the O. ips complex generated from the combined (ITS + BT) sequence data. Bootstrap values of ML / MP ≥ 70 % are recorded at nodes as ML / MP and bold branches indicate posterior probability values ≥ 0.9. ML and MP, Bootstrap values <70 % are indicated by the symbol *. The tree is drawn to scale (see bar) with branch length measured in the number of substitutions per site. Strains representing ex-type sequences are marked with \" T. \" Abbreviations: ML, Maximum Likelihood; MP, Maximum Parsimony; BI, Bayesian Inference and the final alignment of 953 positions, including gaps.";
dc:description"Figure 6. ML tree of the ITS region of O. minus complex. Bootstrap values of ML / MP ≥ 70 % are recorded at nodes as ML / MP and bold branches indicate posterior probability values ≥ 0.9. ML and MP, Bootstrap values <70 % are indicated by the symbol *. The tree is drawn to scale (see bar) with branch length measured in the number of substitutions per site. Strains representing ex-type sequences are marked with \" T. \" Abbreviations: ML, Maximum Likelihood; MP, Maximum Parsimony; BI, Bayesian Inference and the final alignment of 537 positions, including gaps.";