dc:description"Figure 2. Illustration of Diplostephium paposanum A distal end of the branch with capitula B details of leaves B 1 upper part of the branch covered by leaves B 2 adaxial view B 3 abaxial view B 4 transversal view C capitulum in dispersion of fruits D capitulum in bloom E disk florets with emerging style branches F disk florets with emerged and open style branches G detail of a cypsela of a ray floret H ray floret, including cypsela. Note the differences in length of pappus bristles I detail of a single pappus bristle. All images drawn from Moreira-Munoz 3355. Illustration by Andrea Ugarte. Scale bars: 1 cm (A); 5 mm (B 1); 1 mm (B 2 - B 4, C-F, H, I); 0.5 mm (G).";
dc:description"Figure 3. Diplostephium paposanum in habitat A general view of the type location \" Quebrada Botija \" B, C habit of individuals, growing on rocky ledges rooting on rock crevices D inflorescences on distal branches E lateral branchlets with terminal inflorescences F capitulum with fully unfolded style branches E, F note the colour differences on yellow disk florets with closed style branches and the mature purple disk florets with unfolded style branches. Photographs by S. Ibanez (A-E), A. Moreira (F).";
dc:description"Figure 4. Detail of reproductive organs A-C capitula A capitulum showing early stages of development, with only anthers of disk florets and style branches of ray florets not unfolded B capitulum showing style branches of disk florets unfolded C capitulum with mature cypselae and their respective pappus fully developed D-F individual florets and fruits D disk florets with style branches barely unfolding E ray florets with developed style branches F mature cypsela of a disk floret. All images from Ibanez, Panitrur & Acosta 771. Scale bars: 5 mm (A-C); 2 mm (D-F).";
dc:description"Figure 1. Location of Diplostephium paposanum. The red dot indicates the location of \" Quebrada Botija \", the type locality of the new species.";