dc:description"Figure 16. Illustration of Miconia bullotricha. A habit B close-up of leaf adaxial surface C immature stamen D style E fruit longitudinal section F seed (all from Bisse et al. HFC- 49930). Reproduced with permission from Majure et al. (2014 a).";
dc:description"Figure 12. Illustration of Miconia cubana (A-D) and Miconia ottoschmidtii (E-H). A Habit of Miconia cubana B close-up of leaf adaxial surface showing bulla-based hairs not entirely covering areoles C stamen D fruit longitudinal section and flower bud (all from type Wright 189) E petal abaxial surface of Miconia ottoschmidtii showing small, slightly bulla-based hairs F petal side view G stamen showing dorso-basal appendage (E-G from Ekman 6926) H fruit showing granulate bulla-based hairs on the hypanthium (Leon LS- 10046).";
dc:description"Figure 17. Photos of Miconia ottoschmidtii. A Inflorescence (Becquer s. n.) B leaf adaxial surface (Michelangeli 2234) C leaf abaxial surface (Michelangeli 2228) D developing leaves showing adaxial surface (Michelangeli 2228) E flower frontal view (Michelangeli 2234) F close-up of flower (E-F from Michelangeli 2234) G Miconia ottoschmidtii from Pinar del Rio showing poorly developed bulla-based hairs H flower and immature fruit I leaf abaxial surface J leaf adaxial surface (G-J from Becquer HFC- 82434). Photo A taken by E. Becquer, B-F taken by F. Michelangeli, and G-J taken by J. R. Abbott.";
dc:description"Figure 9. Photographs of Miconia jashaferi (A-D), Miconia norlindii (E-J), and Miconia granulata (K-P). A Abaxial leaf surface B habit of Miconia jashaferi showing pendant infloresence C close-up of immature fruit showing long clayx lobes D adaxial leaf surface (all from Michelangeli 2284) E habit of Miconia norlindii F close-up of flower, side view G close-up of flower, frontal view H close-up of infloresence (all from Michelangeli 2213) I mature fruit (Becquer s. n.) J leaf abaxial surface (Michelangeli 2213) K habit of Miconia granulata (Becquer HFC- 82266) L close-up of flower (Michelangeli 2269) M leaf abaxial surface, showing purple primary vein (Michelangeli 2265) N mature fruit (Michelangeli 2269) O close-up of branch of inflorescence (Michelangeli 2269) P leaf adaxial surface showing reduced bulla-based hairs (Michelangeli 2265). Photos I & K taken by E. Becquer and A-H, J, & L-P by F. Michelangeli.";