dc:description"Fig. 4. Fecundosquama basiglobosa gen. et sp. nov. SEM micrographs of scales. A, B, and E. Trunk scales. A. Holotype, LIGG 25−A−2405, anterolateral view, anterior to the left. B. LIGG 25−A−2407, crown view, anterior upwards. E. LIGG 25−A−2406, lateralview, anteriorto the left. C, D. Head? scales, crown views, anterior upwards. C. LIGG 25−A−2409. D. LIGG 25−A−2408. Scale bars 0.1 mm. Gėluva−99 borehole, depth 681.6 m. Upper Silurian, Pridoli, Vievis Formation.";
dc:description"Fig. 5. Fecundosquama basiglobosa gen. et sp. nov. Microstructure of trunk scales in vertical transverse (A) and longitudinal (B, C) sections. A1. Thin section LIGG 3683. A2. Detail of the left part of the same scale. B1. Thin section LIGG 3686. B2. Detail of the right part of the base of the same scale. B3. Detail of the central part of crown and bordering base area of the same scale. C1. General view, thin section LIGG 3687. C2. The same scale, detail of the right part of crown and bordering base area. Scale bars 0.1 mm. Kurtuvėnai−162 borehole, depth 1052.2 m. Upper Silurian, Pridoli, Jūra Formation (A1, A2 and B1–B3) and Ledai−179 borehole, depth 537.7 m. Upper Silurian, Pridoli, Lapės Formation.";
dc:description"Fig. 2. Vesperalia perplexa gen. et sp. nov. SEM micrographs, trunk scales except for F, head? scale, crown views, anterior upwards: holotype, LIGG 25−A−2413 (A), LIGG 25−A−2416 (B), LIGG 25−A−2417 (C), LIGG 25−A−2418 (D), LIGG 25−A−2420 (E), LIGG 25−A−2422 (F), LIGG 25−A−2421 (G), LIGG 25−A−2414(H). Scalebars0.1 mm.Nida−44borehole, depth1213.0 m(A, E–H) andStoniškiai−1borehole, depth1211.0–1217.0 m(B–D). Upper Silurian, Pridoli, Rietavas Beds of the Jūra Formation.";
dc:description"Fig. 1. Sketch map showing location of the boreholes yielding the majority of the material studied. Borehole and its original number: 1−Stoniškiai, 7−Krekenava, 8−Stačiūnai, 11−Šešuvis, 12−Kunkojai, 44−Nida, 61−Viduklė, 87−Sutkai, 99−Gėluva, 128−Vilkaviškis, 137−Liepkalnis, 162−Kurtuvėnai, 179−Ledai, 241−Butkūnai, 252−Svėdasai.";
dc:description"Fig. 3. Vesperalia perplexa gen. et sp. nov. Microstructure of scales in vertical longitudinal (A) and transverse (B) sections. A1. Holotype−like scale with uniformbent, sub−parallelridgesprominentattheanteriorand posterioredges ofthecrown, and almostfadingoutnear thecrown center. ThinsectionLIGG 3678. A2. Detail of posterior edge of crown and a small portion of base of the same scale. B1. Widened scale with flattened ridges like those in Fig. 2E. Thin sectionLIGG 3679. B2. Detail of the leftpart of the same scale. B3. Detail of the rightpart of the same scale. Scale bars 0.1 mm. Stoniškiai−1borehole, depth 1211.0–1217.0 m. Upper Silurian, Pridoli, Rietavas Beds of the Jūra Formation.";