dc:description"FIGURE 13. Phlebonotus pallens (Audinet-Serville, 1831), male (A – J) and P. anomalus (Saussure, 1863), female (K, L). A—facial part of head; B, K—abdominal apex from above; C—paraprocts and adjacent structures from below; D—hypandrium from below; E—right phallomere from above; F—sclerite L 2 D from above; G, H—apical part of sclerite L 2 D from above (G) and below (H); I—sclerite L 3; J—outline of apical part of sclerite L 3; L—genital plate from below. Dotted area shows membranous parts. Abbreviations: X — 10 th abdominal tergite; c. p. R 1 T; e. scl.; f. s.; hge.; par.; pv.; R 2; R 3; R 4; R 5; u. s. — see text. Scale bar 1 mm: a = A; b = B; c = C; d = D; e = E, G, H; f = F; g = I, J; h = K; i = L.";
dc:description"FIGURE 15. Thorax porcellana (Saussure, 1862) (A – D) and Phlebonotus pallens (Audinet-Serville, 1831) (E), females. A—abdominal apex from below, genital plate and genitalia removed, with exception of tergal processes; B, E—genital complexes; C, D—basal part of ovipositor from below (C) and within (D). Dotted area shows membranous parts. Abbreviations: IX, X — 9 th and 10 th abdominal tergites respectively; a. a.; bd. s.; bsv.; gg.; par.; pl.; pv.; teVIII.; teIX.; v. I.; v. II.; v. III.; vs. — see text. Scale bar 1 mm: a = A; b = B; c = C, D; d = E.","FIGURE 15. Thorax porcellana (Saussure, 1862) (A–D) and Phlebonotus pallens (Audinet-Serville, 1831) (E), females. A—abdominal apex from below, genital plate and genitalia removed, with exception of tergal processes; B, E—genital complexes; C, D—basal part of ovipositor from below (C) and within (D). Dotted area shows membranous parts. Abbreviations: IX, X—9th and 10th abdominal tergites respectively; a.a.; bd.s.; bsv.; gg.; par.; pl.; pv.; teVIII.; teIX.; v.I.; v.II.; v.III.; vs.—see text. Scale bar 1 mm: a = A; b = B; c = C, D; d = E.";
dc:description"FIGURE 16. A, F, H—facial part of head; B, E, G, I—general view from above; C—abdominal apex from below (hypandrium and genitalia removed); D—hypandrium and genitalia from above. A – E— Thorax porcellana (Saussure, 1862) [male (A – D) and female (E)]; F, G— Phlebonotus pallens (Audinet-Serville, 1831) (male); H – I— P. anomalus (Saussure, 1863) (female). Abbreviations: L 2 D; L 3; L 4 U; pv.; r. plm. — see text. All specimens are kept in alcohol.","FIGURE 16. A, F, H—facial part of head; B, E, G, I—general view from above; C—abdominal apex from below (hypandrium and genitalia removed); D—hypandrium and genitalia from above. A–E—Thorax porcellana (Saussure, 1862) [male (A–D) and female (E)]; F, G—Phlebonotus pallens (Audinet-Serville, 1831) (male); H–I—P. anomalus (Saussure, 1863) (female). Abbreviations: L2D; L3; L4U; pv.; r.plm.—see text. All specimens are kept in alcohol.";