dc:creator"Couvreur, Thomas L. P.; Dagallier, Leo-Paul M. J.; Crozier, Francoise; Ghogue, Jean-Paul; Hoekstra, Paul H.; Kamdem, Narcisse G.; Johnson, David M.; Murray, Nancy A.; Sonke, Bonaventure";
dc:creator"Couvreur, Thomas L. P.; Dagallier, Leo-Paul M. J.; Crozier, Francoise; Ghogue, Jean-Paul; Hoekstra, Paul H.; Kamdem, Narcisse G.; Johnson, David M.; Murray, Nancy A.; Sonke, Bonaventure";
dc:description"Figure 9. Anonidium mannii A leaf B male inflorescence, note upper bract inserted towards lower part of pedicel C receptacle of male flower, all petals removed D stamen E receptacle of bisexual flower, note small row of stamens at base of carpels F longitudinal section of bisexual flower G stamen of bisexual flower, front view H two free carpels, showing basal ovules I fruit, note syncarpous nature, referred to as pseudosycarpous J seed, side view. Anonidium brieyi K flower, note narrow petals A from Le Testu 9169 B-D from Le Testu 9509 E-H from Le Testu 7269 I from Nigerian tree photo J from Le Testu s. n. K from Le Testu 1641. Drawings by Helene Lamourdedieu, Publications Scientifiques du Museum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris; modified from Le Thomas (1969 b; pl. 60, p. 331).";
dc:description"Figure 10. Anonidium manni A habit, A. manni is the species with white trunk in the center B base of leaf blade, upper side C pseudosyncarpous fruit, note hand for size D Narcisse Kamdem holding an inflorescence E detail of flower, side view F detail of receptacle of bisexual flower, note 2 to 3 rows of stamens at base. Anonidium brieyi G trunk with semi erect inflorescences H leaf, upper side I flower, side view, note narrow petals J detail of receptacle in female flower, note absence of stamens at base of carpels K flower, top view showing insertion of upper bract just belong the calyx A no voucher, Gabon B, C Couvreur 449, Otottomo, Cameroon D, F Couvreur 696, Campo, Cameroon E Couvreur 1207, Masea, Cameroon G-K Couvreur 1132, Gabon. Photos Thomas L. P. Couvreur.";
dc:description"Map 1. A Afroguatteria discostigma B Annickia affinis C Annickia chlorantha D Annickia letestui E Annickia polycarpa F Annona senegalensis G Annona senegalensis subsp. oulotricha H Anonidium brieyi I Anonidium mannii. White borders represent region limits in Cameroon; green patches represent protected areas (see methods and Suppl. material 1: Fig. S 1).";