dc:title"Taxonomic notes on social wasps of the groups of Mischocyttarus wagneri (Buysson 1908) and M. barbatus Richards 1945 (Hymenoptera, Vespidae, Polistinae)";
dc:description"Figs. 5–18. 5–7: frontal–dorsal view of anterior face of pronotum showing secondary margin (arrow) in M. barbatus (5), M.mixtus (6), M. wagneri (7); 8–10: same structures and species in dorsal view; 11–12: mesial view of fore coxa showing raised basal margin (arrow) in M. mixtus (11), M wagneri (12); 13–14: inner (larger) hind tarsal claw (arrow) in M. mixtus (13, lateral) and M. barbatus (14, ventral); 15: hind tarsus of M. wagneri (a), M. mourei (b), M. proximus (c), M. camanducaia sp. nov. (d), M. declaratus (e); 16–18: nests of M. proximus (16), M. wagneri (17), M. barbatus (18); all scales = 0.50mm, except in Fig.18 (= 10 mm); groups of figs. (5–7), (8–10), (11–12), (13–14) share the same scale.";
dc:description"Figs. 19–26. General dorsal and lateral body views (females; all from Brazil).19–20: M.wagneri (RS, Sta. Cruz do Sul; MPEG);21–22: M.camanducaia sp. nov.(holotype:MG, Camanducaia; MPEG); 23–24: M. proximus (SP, Campos do Jordão; MPEG); 25–26: M. declaratus (MG, Barroso; MPEG); all scales = 1.0mm.";
dc:description"Figs. 35–43. 35–38: frontal view of female head (35: M. camanducaia sp. nov., holotype, Brazil, MG, Camanducaia, MPEG; 36: M. declaratus, MG, Barroso, MPEG; 37: M. imeldai, holotype, Peru, IOC; 38: M. imeldai, Bolivia, NHM); 39 and 42: general lateral body view of males (39: M. proximus, SP, Campos do Jordão, MPEG; 42: M. declaratus, MG, Barroso, MPEG); 40–41: male M. imeldai (Peru, NHM) showing mandibles, clypeus and lower face (40) and antennal flagellum (41); 43: anterior-ventral view of face of male M. declaratus (MG, Barroso; MPEG); all scales = 0.50mm, except Figs.39 and 42 (= 1.0mm); scales in figs. (37–38), (40) are estimates.";
dc:description"Fig. 44. Scattergram of ratio variables for species of the group of M. wagneri: x axis – LSI HMP (length of first metasomal segment over height of mesopleuron); y axis – LDIS HMP (length of fore wing discal cell over height of mesopleuron); open squares: M. wagneri; pink filled squares: M. mourei; black asterisks: M. proximus; blue filled triangles: M. camanducaia sp. nov.; black filled diamonds: M. declaratus.";
dc:description"Fig. 47. Map detail of southeastern South America (with partial view of some Brazilian states) with species distributions for the M. wagneri group. MG: Minas Gerais, RJ:Rio de Janeiro, SP: São Paulo, PR:Paraná, SC: Santa Catarina, RS: Rio Grande do Sul.";