dc:description"Fig. 5. ― A–B. Gonaxia nova sp. nov. (MUSORSTOM 8, Stn. CP1083). A. Distalmost, monosiphonic part of a colony. B. Portion of stem with basal part of a cladium. ― C–G. Gonaxia scalariformis Vervoort, 1993, portions of stems and basal parts of cladia from BIOCAL, Stn. DW46 (C = colony #1; D = colony #2; E = colony #3), Stn. DW66 (F), and NORFOLK 1, Stn. DW1699 (G), showing discrete differences in shape and size. ― H. Gonaxia aff. similis Vervoort, 1993 (MUSORSTOM 6, Stn. DW423), portion of stem with cladium. Scale bars: A = 1 mm; B–H = 500 µm.";
dc:description"Fig. 4. ― A. Gonaxia crassicaulis Vervoort, 1993 (MUSORSTOM 4, Stn. DW205), portion of cladium. ― B–D. Gonaxia elegans Vervoort, 1993 (BATHUS 3, Stn. DW809). B. Portion of stem and basal part of a cladium. C. Two consecutive internodes with their hydrothecae. D. Portion of stem with male gonothecae. ― E–F. Gonaxia cf. errans Vervoort, 1993 (BATHUS 2, Stn. CP737). E. Distalmost portion of stem with basal parts of four hydrocladia. F. Two consecutive cladial internodes with their hydrothecae. ― G–J. Gonaxia plumularioides sp. nov. (BIOCAL, Stn. CP34). G. Distalmost part of a stem, showing the structure of internodes. H. Two consecutive cladial internodes with their hydrothecae. I. Stem hydrotheca. J. Axillar hydrotheca. Scale bars: A–B, D–E, G = 1 mm; C, F, H–J = 300 µm.";