dc:description"Figure 1 | Yi qi holotype (STM 31-2). a, b, Photograph (a) and line drawing (b) of specimen; c, skull and mandible in lateral view; d, premaxillary tooth in lateral view; e, left manus; f, styliform elements (the distally unexposed left styliform element articulates with the wrist, and the orientation of the right styliform element implies a similar relationship to the carpus even though its proximal part is missing). Light and dark grey shading indicates feathers and membranous tissues, respectively.an, angular; cv, cervical vertebrae;d, dentary; dr, dorsal ribs;emf,external mandibular fenestra; en, external naris; f, frontal; lf, left femur;lh, left humerus; lmd2–4, left manual digits 2–4; lmt, left metatarsals; lr, left radius; ls, left scapula; lse, left styliform element; lu, left ulna; mb, mandible; mcII–IV, metacarpals II–IV; n, nasal; or, orbit; p, parietal; phII1 to IV4, phalanges II-1 to IV-4; pma, premaxilla; rmd2–4, right manual digits 2–4; rf, right femur; rfi, right fibula; rh, right humerus; rmc, right metacarpals; rmt, right metatarsals; rr, right radius; rse, right styliform element; rt, right tibiotarsus; ru, right ulna; sk, skull. Scale bar, 2 cm.";
dc:description"Extended Data Figure 5 | Photographs of preserved integumentary features of STM 31-2. a–c, Feathers over the neck (a), along the humerus (b) and along the humerus and ulna (c); d, isolated basally converging feathers; e, sheet-like";
dc:description"Extended Data Figure 6 | Elemental compositions of the styliform element and comparison samples based on EDS analyses. EDS spectra derived from: a, right manual phalanx II-1; b, right styliform element; c, feathers associated with right tibia; and d, sedimentary matrix.";
dc:description"Extended Data Figure 7 | Aerodynamic apparatuses in Yi and other tetrapods. a–c, Wing of Yi, Bat Model (a), Maniraptoran Model (b), and Frog Model (c); d, bat wing; e, pigeon wing; f, pterosaur wing; g, giant Japanese flying squirrel wing. Yellow colour indicates styliform element in a, b, c, d, f, and g.";
dc:description"Figure 2 | Soft tissues preserved in Yi qi holotype (STM 31-2). a–e, Feathers above the skull (a), along the humerus (b) and along the tibiotarsus (c); isolated basally converging (d) and brush-like (e) feathers; f, sheet-like soft tissue associated with the right forelimb (yellow arrows point to patches of sheet-like soft tissue); g, comparison of sheet-like soft tissue (above digit II) and individual feathers (below digit II).";
dc:description"Extended Data Figure 8 | Scanning electron microscopy sample locations. Numbered circles indicate the locations of samples from the slab and counter slab. 1, distal part of cranial feathers; 2, middle part of tibial feathers; 3, distal part of humeral feathers; 4, distal part of ulnar feathers; 5, proximal part of";
dc:description"Extended Data Figure 9 | Scanning electron microscopy images of melanosomes and melanosome impressions preserved in Yi qi holotype (STM 31-2). a–m, Note the high morphological diversity of the preserved melanosomes in the feathers, which include: densely distributed, small round phaeomelanosomes and sparsely distributed, medium-sized oval eumelanosomes in the feathers near the skull (a); medium-sized elongate elliptical eumelanosomes in the feathers near the skull (b, c), neck (d, e), humerus (f, g), and ulna (h, i, j); and large oval and elliptical eumelanosomes in the feathers near the tibiotarsus (k, l). The subspherical phaeomelanosomes in the sheet-like soft tissue (m) appear to be less densely distributed than the melanosomes in the feathers.";
dc:description"Figure 3 | Simplified coelurosaurian phylogeny showing the recovered position of Yi. The skeletal silhouette and two possible alternative planform reconstructions of Yi highlight the proportionally long and robust forelimbs and large leg feathers that Yi shares with other basal paravian theropods, indicating the presence of aerial capability, and the inferred membranous wings, a feature unique among known paravians but seen in most other gliding or flying tetrapods. Various uncertainties, such as how the styliform element is oriented and whether membranous tissue is present lateral to the trunk as in most volant tetrapods, imply that a variety of reconstructions of the aerodynamic apparatus of Yi are currently plausible (see Supplementary Information for additional possible reconstructions).";