dc:description"FIGURE 14. Head and pharynx of Eclipidrilus species; sagittal sections. A— E. pacificus, from Peavine Ridge, Oregon, showing the thin ventral wall of the pharynx. B— E. lacustris, from the Swan River, Montana; the pharynx is nearly as thick ventrally as dorsally.";
dc:description"FIGURE 13. Eclipidrilus lacustris, from Swan River, Montana (AE); E. ithys, from Spicket River, Massachusetts (F). A—muscle layers of atrial ampulla, sagittal section: fibers of inner, transversediagonal layer appear crosshatched in center, and as alternating layers in sagittally sectioned wall; thin outer layer has longitudinal fibers. B—transverse section of atrial ampulla and prostate glands; a vas deferens is embedded between the thin longitudinal muscle layer and the thick inner layer. C—male pore, showing ectal end of atrial duct and the collar of thickened epidermis; from a transverse section. D—spermathecal pore, showing end of duct with narrow, terminal sphincter, sagittal section. E—spermathecal ampulla and part of duct; thinwalled ectal part of ampulla is to the left, thickwalled ental part to the right; sagittal section. F—ectal part of atrial duct, showing undifferentiated lining cells. Abbreviations: ag—accessory gland; ep—epithelium; lm—longitudinal muscle; muPmuscle; sa—spermathecal ampulla; sd—spermathecal duct; sp—spermathecal pore; tmtransversediagonal muscle. Scale bars 50 µm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 5. Male ducts of typical E. pacificus from the Hoh River, Washington, from dissections. A—atrial ampulla. B—ectal half of atrial duct showing transition from cuboidal epithelial cells to fibrous lining of penial structure. C—ectal end of atrial duct with columnar epithelial cells, from a partially mature worm. D—penis with fibrous, extruded epithelial cells, from a mature worm. Abbreviations: ep—epithelium; lm—longitudinal muscle; pr—prostate gland; tm—transversecircular muscle. Scale bars 200 µm (A – B), 100 µm (C – D).";