dc:description"FIGURES 34–39. Cocconeis santandrea sp. nov. SEM (Marquesas and Rapa Archipelagos). SV in external views. Valve largely elliptical. Regularly spaced, slightly radiate striae, large squared areolae in regular axial rows (34–35), loculate areolae with regular X-cross (decussate cross), striae multiseriate (up to tetra-seriate) on one quarter of the valve (34). Loculate areolae strongly concave in external side (35). Loculate areolae with short regular pegs, often ornamented with warts (37, arrowheads; 39, black arrowheads). Loculate areola hymen with pores (39, arrow). Broken SV showing the SVVC in advalvar view (36). Detail of Fig. 36, with the digitate SVVC fimbriae with undulated basis, RVVC with oblong papillae with furrows (38, arrow). Scale bars = 7 µm (36), 5 µm (34), 2 µm (35, 38), 1 µm (37), 300 nm (39). Long arrow in Fig. 37 indicates position of valve apex.";
dc:description"FIGURES 40–41. Cocconeis santandrea sp. nov. SEM (Marquesas). SV in internal view. Narrow sternum, round foramina (40). Each loculate areola has an internal domed center with pores (41, arrow). Long arrow indicates the position of the valve apex. Scale bars = 5 µm (40), 300 nm (41).";
dc:description"FIGURES 42–46. Cocconeis santandrea sp. nov. SEM (Rapa Archipelago). RV in external view. Regularly spaced and uniseriate radiate striae, small round areolae and marginal hyaline area (42, 45, arrowhead), becoming biseriate with alternate areolae (in ears of wheat) from the rim to the margin (43–44, arrows). Note the row if bigger and deep areolae close to the rim (44, arrow). Central area reduced and proximal raphe endings close to each other (46). Scale bars = 5 µm (42, 45), 1 µm (43–44, 46).";
dc:description"FIGURES 47–54. Cocconeis santandrea sp. nov. SEM (Rapa Archipelago). RV in internal view, with a marginal raised rim with regularly spaced lateral warts facing each marginal biseriate stria (47–48, 50). Helictoglossa simple (48), central area small elliptic (49). RV hymenate occlusions in internal view, with radiate short slits perpendicular to the frame (51). RVVC still in place with irregularly spaced fimbriae, up to each 4 virgae (52, arrowhead). Detail of the papillae with furrows (53–54, arrowheads). Scale bars = 5 µm (47, 52), 2 µm (54), 1 µm (48–50, 53), 500 nm (51).";
dc:description"FIGURES 61–69. SV loculate areolae from Cocconeis pertaining to the Loculatae section (61–68), compared to SV areola occlusions in C. scutellum Ehrenberg (69). All images at the same scale. Cocconeis scutellum cf. f. decussata (61), C. scutellum cf. var. posidoniae (62), C. tsara sp. nov. (63), C. sp. 1 (64), C. nosybetiana (65), C. sp. 2 (large specimens) (66), C. santandrea sp. nov. (67), C. scutellum cf. var. sullivanensis (68), C. scutellum (69). Arrows indicate the pole/apex of the valve. Scale bars = 300 nm.";