dc:description"Fig. 2. Frontonia ocularis in vivo (A–D) and after protargol impregnation (E–G). A – ventral view of a typical individual; B – ventral view showing position of contractile vacuoles; C – different body shapes; D – extruded extrusomes; E, F – infraciliature in ventral and dorsal views, macronucleus, and contractile vacuole pore; G – infraciliature of the buccal area. CV – contractile vacuole, CVP – contractile vacuole pore, Ma – macronucleus, P1–P3 – peniculi 1, 2, 3, PM – paroral membrane, PK – postoral kineties, VK – vestibular kineties. Scale bars: A = 60 μm, E, F = 40 μm.";
dc:description"Fig. 3. Frontonia ocularis in vivo (A–F, K, L) and after silver carbonate (I, N) and protargol impregnation (G, H, J, M, O). A – ventral view of a typical individual, arrow shows the black brown pigment spot; B – ventral view, to show two contractile vacuoles (arrowheads), arrow shows the prominent brown pigment spot; C – different body shapes; D, F – buccal area; E – posterior part of cell, arrowheads mark caudal cilia; G, H, N – detailed structure of buccal area, arrowhead (G) marks paroral membrane, arrow (N) shows argentophilic line; I – part of argyrome; J, O – anterior suture (arrowheads in J) and postoral suture (arrowheads in O); K – extrusomes (arrowheads) forming distinct seam underneath cortex, arrow shows the black brown spot; L – extruded extrusomes; M – ventral view to show closely arranged somatic kineties. P1–P3 – peniculus 1, 2, 3. Scale bars: A, B = 50 μm, C = 80 μm.";